Bromeliads in Australia.
Meetings - Aug 10, Sept 14, Oct 5 (*1st Saturday), Nov 2 (*1st Saturday), Dec 14. 2025 Jan 11, Feb 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14
2024 Spring Show - September 28 & 29
Any changes will be pulished here. ~ Updated 21/07/24
"Isolation Treats" formerly listed here, are now in the "Detective" section.
The latest of these is a stunning set of 8 Essays by David Benzig.
Photo by Ken Woods. .
All Members and Visitors are welcome to... THE BROMELIAD SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA
What's new - click here
MEETINGS - Castle Hill Showgrounds from 10 am, 2nd Saturday of most* months.
All welcome, including visitors - FREE ENTRY.
Member Sales, Show and Tell, advice, displays, Afternoon Tea, Talks, raffles, good company with fellow gardeners....

See Google Maps link. (Google Map LINK)
* A full Bromeliad Diary is available HERE.
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Subscriptions are now open for BSA Membership. Click HERE for application/renewal form.
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The BSA seed bank currently is VERY well stocked. If you want to try seedraising exotic species, CLICK HERE.