At every monthly meeting of the BSA a series of Competitions are held.
- for Open, Novice, and Artistic.
ALL members are strongly urged to participate. Whether you are highly competitive to
become this years Champion, feel a personal pride for a particular plant you have raised,
or just bring in the plant that caught your eye, to share with other enthusiasts.
Make an effort, bring it along to the Competition, and join in the fun of the day.
The Competition is an important part of our meeting where experienced Judges and growers get to openly discuss Bromeliads. - To everyones benefit and education.
Do NOT feel embarrassed or scared of our discussion of these plants when the results are announced.
It is a learning experience, not a personal judgement. When the judging points tally is explained, you will see that the results are justified.
Judging is done to an International standard system of points that are shown to work very well in finding the "best" entries.
The rarest plant might not win. The biggest public "WOW" factor might not win. The hardest to grow even in a hot-house might not win.
It tends more often to be the plant most loved by it's owner !
Who has fed it properly, grown it in most appropriate conditions, looked after it since birth. This shows up in the sum of points for ... right shape, low damage, healthy, well presented, etc, etc.
And yes, a few points in that list are for rarity, difficulty, Wow.
I urge you to enter our monthly competitions and learn how feedback on all these factors will help you grow the most spectacular and enjoyable Bromeliads.
* One random entrant at each monthly competition will win two $10 BSA vouchers.
Artistic - is a relatively new section. It is open to all members.
Maximum of 3 entries per month.
It's very hard to put limits on what is hopefully a free expression of your imagination.
And to try and Judge these ???? Given that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." ??
But to help direct you towards the sensible International Standards, we encourage some rules.
Most are common sense, such as... "Predominantly Bromeliad material", "Not offensive to others", "Size limits", etc.
$10 prize voucher plus $10 cash for Judge's 1st place each month.
Novice - is for any member who has not won the end-of-year champion total points.
Maximum of 3 entries per month.
This is not related to any prize you may have won in our bi-annual Shows, those results are quite seperate.
This is the most useful section of our Competitions. Here is where you will learn to see what other people see in your plant.
It might be the most common of Bromeliads, but the points score helps you recognise what is a winner. Is it in centre of pot?
Is the pot a suitable size for that type of Bromeliad? Is pot fairly clean? Is the plant symetrical? Is it well loved?
Learn these lessons and your whole collection will sparkle.
$20 prize voucher + $20 cash for Judge's 1st place each month.
$10 voucher + $10 cash for 2nd, $10 voucher for 3rd.
Open - is for members who have progressed and previously won a previous year's points total in Novice.
Maximum of 3 entries per month.
It is for those, in the spirit of our Society, who are already above Novice standard or have just joined from elsewhere.
It is also open for Beginners who believe they can compete at this level.
$20 prize voucher + $20 cash for Judge's 1st place each month.
$10 voucher + $10 cash for 2nd, $10 voucher for 3rd.
We will record 3 points for 1st place, 2 for 2nd, 1 point for entering, and 1 point for the plant that members voted as the best.
At the end of the year these points will be totalled and Grand Prize winners announced.
End of year total winners for the monthly competitions, in each section, will recieve...
Artistic - A shield on the Margaret Draddy Perpetual Trophy, that can be kept at home for a year to display.
$25 cash prize(1st only) and an individual trophy to keep.
Novice - You will be booted out of next years Novice competition - but with much congratulations for your excellent plants.
A perpetual trophy to hold for 1 year, a cash prize, and an individual trophy to keep. (1st=$25, 2nd=$15, 3rd=$10)
Open - Perpetual trophy, individual trophy and a cash prize. 1st=$25, 2nd=$15, 3rd=$10
Monthly prizes and eligibility to compete in Novice are totally independent to the bi-annual Show competitions.
Good Luck to all !
Carefully bring along your prized plant before the meeting and arrange it on the Competition tables.
Like all plants brought to meetings, all water MUST be emptied from it. We don't want to be charged cleaning costs!
Take a number from the box provided, and place this on your plant. (This keeps it annonymous.)
Enter the number, your name and the plant's name in the book provided. So we know who the prize goes to.
After Judging, please don't forget to take your prized plant home !
Members' Choice. During the Tea break, ALL members are encouraged to vote for their favourite in each section.
Take a raffle ticket, write the plant number on it, and drop the ticket in box provided for that section.
These points contribute to the end of year total as explained above.
All winners, both community and Judge's assessment, will be recorded in the "Bromeletter".