The Bromeliad Society of Australia Incorporated.
Affiliated with The Bromeliad Society International(U.S.A.)

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Albino Bromeliad - Another oddity. by Ian Hook.
In March last year, Ron Farrugia displayed an Aechmea pup with zero chlorophyl.
See 03/05b: for details.
Aileen Robson has now sent me photographs of yet another Albino, this time a Neoregelia.
The parent plant was bought at a local nursery and typically had no name.
I have also found Albino pups sprouting from Aechmea Lucky Stripes. I find it very interesting that such pups can mature and usually stay very healthy, provided they remain attached to the parent plant.
I feel sure that such plants are teaching us something about how Bromeliads develop and distribute food (or lack of) via the parent's "umbilical chord". I'm just not sure what that lesson is !
Like most amateurs, I too have tried separating such pups. Of course they always die. I have not yet seen an Albino (still attached) come into flower. Has anyone else? Does the flower's colour travel up from the umbilical chord? Aileens plant is certainly showing the same rosy central colouring as it's mother. If they do flower, would the seed be viable?
Thank you Aileen for showing us this oddity.

Stop the presses ! Latest News 21/11/06.
Aileen has again reported again on her Albino progeny.
"Just an update on my albino brom, it seems that as the mother plant gets nearer to flowering the albino pup has started dying off. (pic attached) I wonder if anyone else has had this happen ?"
Ed: - It was interesting to note the pink colouring entering the albino's system in first photos. I was curious whether this may continue and even support a flower too. But it looks like the energy flow has been switched off now. Does this mean that the red tint (not chlorophyl?) is generated low in the common base? While, on reflection, the "seed" for a flower is probably developed at the "tip" of the plant, as in many other species.

Obituary, 02/12/06
Aileen, very sorry to have to break this news to you.

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Updated 11/12/06