The Bromeliad Society of Australia Incorporated.
Affiliated with The Bromeliad Society International(U.S.A.)

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Vale - Gordon John Maxwell Ramsay.
From Keith Ryde, 24/04/07.

It was a sad day the Bromeliad Society of Australia Inc. learnt of the passing of Gordon Ramsay.

Born on the 9th November 1912, Gordon was our oldest serving member by far.

Perusal of Society records reveals that Gordon was not a listed member in 1971 but was quickly Shanghaied on to committee at the A.G.M. in 1972 as soon as he joined the Society. He has been an active member ever since.

He joined the Maritime Services Board on leaving school. His application to study saw him gain his accountancy Diploma "topping the class" not just in Australia but all of Australasia. This achievement saw him attached to the Accountancy Department and elevated to Pay Officer. By the time of his retirement Gordon had achieved the distinction of occupying the position of Chief Accountant, Maritime Services Board.

Who will forget Gordon trundling in his often spikey "monsters" to our meetings and shows. Talk about "age shall not weary them" !

Gordon leaves behind a daughter, Eve and a son, Graeme as well as a host of sad members of the Bromeliad community.

Ed:- a few descendents of the "monsters" that Gordon helped preserve and share with other members. - Thankyou.

Aechmea bromeliifolia Aechmea bromeliifolia Portea petropolitana

Updated 24/04/07