The Bromeliad Society of Australia Incorporated.
Affiliated with The Bromeliad Society International(U.S.A.)

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A Message of Hope.
(With liberal "translation" of authors version of English, by Ian Hook.)

I received the following email from Fabiano Condé. It is a self-confident request for assistance in finding a job.
But it is also a message of hope for rescue of the South American Environment.

One reason for our members interest in Bromeliads is the preservation of species.
Unfortunately species in South America are becoming extinct faster than they are being discovered. Many have probably been lost before even being closely observed by humans. The causes are Social, Economic, and Political pressures much deeper than we in Australia can easily imagine. In this email though, we can see the hope of local awakening, preservation, and one man's dream. Maybe someone reading this Club News may even be able to help Fabiano.
And, as Derek Butcher commented, "This is just where Australia was less than 100years ago." (Or maybe still is - Ed.)

From: Fabiano Neves Condé
Date: 15/01/11
Subject: Environment Job

"I graduated in Social Communication, specializing in Marketing Tourism and Environmental Management.

In 2006 I travelled for 4 months in Bahia (State of Brazil) in order to understand state tourism. Great was my disappointment as I realised that tourism was not sustainable. The population has often become greedy, and worse, dependent on tourist money. The culture was standardized and prepared for sale. Local customs were discarded and sustainability ignored. Mass tourism, with political neglect, is destroying what remains of the Atlantic Forest in the state.

This type of non-sustainable tourism, non-thought and not studied that I met in Bahia, is tourism without concern for protection of local culture and leaving the population totally dependent on the tourist economy. Fortunately, my field studies, I did find one place where the tourism has not overly affected the region. I lived for two months in Ituberá (BA) in order to better understand the living conditions of the region. In Barra de Serinhaem I loved the natural beauty of the waterfalls, the work done to protect the environment and the livelihood of fishermen, and where tourism has not destroyed the local economy.

I want to work to protect cultures that value and respect the environment rather than allowing the power of consumer culture to dominate.
To that end, I helped teach these communities to gain an appreciation of their cultures and to have sustainable social and economic growth without environmental vandalism.

In Brasilia I worked as a volunteer in Funatura - pro Foundation Nature, a Non-Government-Organisation(NGO) active in the Cerrado.
I learnt a lot about cultural appreciation and how Funatura works with communities in around the Park Brazilian savannas (Grande Sertão Veredas) in the northwest of Minas Gerais (State of Brazil). Funatura also works with a project that integrates and organizes tourism between the peoples in the region of 12 units conservation. This project was able to follow the organization of the Fifth Meeting of the Peoples of the Hinterland.

I left work at Funatura to gain an MBE in Environmental Studies at COPPE / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro. I became a graduate executive who studies environmental problems in a comprehensive manner, focusing on business activities. This specialization has enabled me to work environmental policies, dealing with regulatory agencies, preparing companies for ISO 14000 certification audit and obtain environmental permits, and meet the legislation and the doctrine of environmental law in Brazil.

Recently, I was Coordinator of the Teaching Qualification Progrom "Social and Professional Agri Extraction in NGO Ecodata in the Cerrado (brazilian biome)".
This program benefited 2,500 families in 60 cities of four states (Goiás, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Tocantins e Distrito Federal). I had the opportunity to have direct contact with mayors and council members, besides living with the beneficiaries of agrarian reform and traditional communities of the state of Goias (who are offered the course with priority).

It scared me when I saw large areas of land without native vegetation, where the Savannah was destroyed, and bridges over rivers that were totaly dry throughout the state of Goias.
Because of the establishment of two manufacturing plants for Ethanol Fuel in the region, farmers overthrew the Brazilian Cerrado (brazilian biome) for planting cane. These companies are accused of maintaining slave labor, inhumane treatment of workers, and lack of appropriate equipment.

Over the last few months I was disappointed with the neglect of political local governments of some cities in relation to the beneficiaries of agrarian reform. It is common for authorities to refuse to take any notice toward claims of small farmers, while large farmers spray poisons from aircraft in plantations located alongside organic farmers and rivers.

But despite the problems, it also surprised me to see the struggle for preservation of the Cerrado fought by some farmers and other agents involved in family farming. They feel the skin effect of deforestation, degradation of rivers and springs. They suffer with the burning and all the destruction caused by large monoculture of soybean, sugar cane, rice, and cattle ranchers. The latter are the responsible for the destruction of more than half of the vegetation.

Before leaving Brazil, I organised a "Course of cosntrução in Bamboo" and a "Permaculture Design Course"(PDC). (see photos below).
I am looking for an opportunity to continue working with Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Education in communities. I came to Sydney to study English and learn everything I can for the Environment. After returning to Brazil I want to continue to help my people, or go to another country that needs my skills.

Unfortunately I find difficulties in obtaining employment in Sydney in the environmental area because my English is pre-intermediate. I had help from an online translator to write this letter.
In this first stage, I am looking for any job to support myself. I study English to 2:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, but I could change my schedule to study at night. I can work Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays full time.
I would greatly appreciate the support of all environmentalists and all who can help me so I keep following my dream.
Thank you for your attention.

Fabiano Neves Condé - email: Mobile-0426 278 405


Name: Fabiano Neves Condé
Date of birth: Sep-28-1977
Nacionality: Brazilian
Phone: 0426 278 405

Environmental Education / Community based, Social and Environmental tourism.

- Knowledge in environmental education, legislation and doctrine of the Brazilian Environmental Law;
- Planning and management of environmental policies, interface with regulatory agencies, the adequacy of companies for Brazilian environmental licensing and ISO 14000 certification;
- Domain of Windows and Linux operating systems and knowledge in Desktop publishing (PageMaker and CorelDraw);
- Creation of advertising and marketing planning;
- Pre-Intermediate level in English;
- Good interpersonal skills.

MBE – Executive Postgraduate in Environment (sep/2008), Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Postgraduate Studies (COPPE-UFRJ);

Postgraduate in Tourism Marketing (oct/2005), Institute of Higher Education in Brasília – IESB;

Graduation in Social Comunication – Advertising and Marketing (jul/2004), Institute of Higher Education in Brasília – IESB.

Brazilian Agency for Environment and Information Technology - Ecodata
Educational program coordinator for Social and professional qualification in extractive activities in Cerrado (Brazilian biome). From August 2009 to July 2010. 2,532 farm families were trained to use at Cerrado to income complement.

Pro Nature Foundation – Funatura
Monitoring the Mosaic Project, which aims to integrate the surrounding communities of 12 Protected Areas.

Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil
Section chief of marketing at Coordination of HR – 4 Employees under supervision.

Permaculture Design Course - PDC
Institute Çarakura – Flrorianópolis – Brazil. 80h Oct-2010

Bamboo Building Workshop 40h Sep de 2010
Bioestrutura Engineering – Cavalcante – Brazil. 40h Sep-2010

Updated 19/03/11