Monthly Meeting Competition.
- Entries must be disease free and without water in the cup or seeping from pot.
- Plants must be owned and raised by the member for at least 3 months.
- Plants that have won any prize in monthly shows may not be re-entered in any show for the following 3 months.
- There are two competition classes, Novice and Open.
- Open class is open to all members.
- Novice class is for members who have not previously won the annual accumulation of points in either class. (Biannual Show Novice winners are not excluded)
- In the interests of fairness, members associated with a professional or commercial Nursery, should rule themselves out of Novice if they clearly outclass other competitors.
- A third (non-points) class is being introduced. The Margaret Draddy Arts and Crafts competition will be held quarterly in Feb, May, Aug, Nov.
- Members may enter a maximum of three plants each month.
- Plant owners should remain annonymous. The owner should place one of the numbered labels on their plant, and enter the number, plant, and name in book provided.
- Plants must be clearly labelled with correct registered name (as far as possible). Use bsi registered names only, and “Hybrid”, “affinity” or “?” if unsure.
- Each class will be awarded a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd both from an appointed Judge, and by Members Choice.
- The appointed Judge will be “volunteered” in an ad-hoc manner by the President, but should be the most senior qualified Judge, Trainee Judge, or respected person available at the meeting. The Judges decision will be final. General questions may be put to the Judge to further enlighten the meeting of how the decision was made.
- Members choice will be decided by ……. each meeting attendee will be given one blue(Novice) and one pink(open) raffle ticket. Members should write their 1st choice plant on the back of each and place ticket in box provided.
- Points will be allocated to prize winners on a basis of 5 for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd, and 1 for each other entry, in both Judge’s and member’s choice.
- A $10 voucher will be given to 1st place Novice and Open (Judge chosen) winner each month. The voucher is valid for purchases at monthly meetings (excluding Annual Subscriptions & social events)
- There will be an annual award and/or prize for the members with the highest total points in Open and Novice. Annual points will be accumulated after November meeting and awards presented in December.
Bi-Annual Show Competitions.
Prizes :
Grand Champion - BSA Biannual Trophy and prize money of $30
Reserve Champion - Biannual Trophy and prize money of $20
Novice Champion - Biannual Trophy and individual Trophy
Best Species - Biannual Trophy and individual Trophy
Class Winners - Certificates and prize money. 1st-$10, 2nd-$7, 3rd-$5
Competition Rules :
1. Exhibitors must be financial members of the Bromeliad Society of Australia Inc.
2. Plants must be correctly labeled, disease free and established in pot or mount.
3. Water must be emptied from plants and pot dried before registration.
4. Plants must have been the property of the exhibitor and in his/her custody for at least 3 months prior to the show.
5. Plant registration is: 8am-9am Saturday (NB no plants will be accepted for registration after 9am.)
6. An exhibitor may enter a maximum of three (3) plants in each class.
7. Registrars will not record ANY of an exhibitor’s entries unless the exhibitor has already decided in which classes to enter ALL such entries. This point will be checked before registration commences. Undecided entrants will be advised to consult a competition guide person.
8. Registrars may advise against entry of a plant in an obviously wrong class, but can not spare time to engage in lengthy debate.
9. Plants entered in the wrong classes will not be judged.
10. The judging panel’s decision is final as to eligibility and quality of plants in the various classes.
11. Only Competition Stewards will place entries on the benches in their nominated classes. The stewards will attend to exhibit arrangement and adjustment of bench space according to the number of entries in each class.
Schedule of Classes :
1. Pot of Aechmea
2. Pot of Billbergia (single specimen)
3. Pot of Billbergia Colony
4. Pot of Cryptanthus (specimen or colony)
5. Pot of Guzmania
6. Pot of Neoregelia Species
7. Miniature Neoregelia (pot or mounted)
8. Pot of Nidularium
9. Tillandsia without Spike (specimen - pot or mounted)
10. Tillandsia with Spike (specimen - pot or mounted)
11. Tillandsia Colony (pot or mounted)
12. Pot of Vriesea
13. Pot of Other Genera (not previously specified)
14. Pot of Intergeneric (hybrid of two or more genera e.g. xNeolarium)
15. Foliage Bromeliad (not in flower, but immature inflorescence not above leaves permitted)
16. Variegated Bromeliad (longitudinal stripes)
17. Bromeliad(s) suitably mounted (1+ established plants, may be various species/hybrid)
18. Novice (Any genera of bromeliad permitted, must be established plant)
19. Pot of Dyckia or Hechtia
20. Pot of Terrestrial Bromeliad (not elsewhere included)
21. Pot of Neoregelia Hybrid
Note :
Classes 2, 9 and 10 are for single plants only. Small offsets are permitted provided they are obviously too immature for removal.
Excluding class 17, other classes may consist of multiple plants which must be connected – e.g. by rhizomes or stolons.
Class 18 is for novice entrants only.
Novice entrants may enter the open classes as well as novice if they desire.
Definitions :
Novice: A member who has not won a novice major prize in a prior biannual show of The Bromeliad Society of Australia Inc.
Colony: Two or more naturally connected plants.
Specimen: An individual exemplifying a group; one that is a noteworthy example.
COMPETITOR'S NAME (Block Letters) : ___________________________________________
A | A | A |
B | B | B |
C | C | C |
A | A | A |
B | B | B |
C | C | C |
A | A | A |
B | B | B |
C | C | C |
A | A | A |
B | B | B |
C | C | C |
A | A | A |
B | B | B |
C | C | C |
A | A | A |
B | B | B |
C | C | C |
A | A | A |
B | B | B |
C | C | C |