The Bromeliad Society of Australia Inc.
Application for New Membership
Renewal of Annual Subscription

The Annual Subscription Rates are:
(Please note: Members who join between October 1st and December 31st are covered for the next year.)

Membership* (posted Newsletter)
Membership* (emailed Newsletter)
+ Postage of Newsletter
Australia - Free
NZ & Asia/Pacific - A$58
UK, Europe, S.Africa - A$87
USA & Rest of world - A$81

Please complete the 8 items below to confirm your membership details and return it with your subscription payment/payment advice (e.g. Bankcard, Mastercard or Visa {Not AMEX}). This will allow us to update our records where necessary.
* Overseas members must include the relevant airmail postal costs with their subscription.

Printable .pdf version of this form - CLICK HERE

Return form with payment to:
In person, at a BSA meeting to the membership secretary
OR The Secretary, The Bromeliad Society of Australia Inc. P.O.Box 340, Ryde, NSW 2112, Australia.
OR email to
If paying by Direct Debit from your bank to our CBA bank, BSB = 062180, Account = 10010802 please include your initial and surname in deposit reference and send an email ASAP to confirm transfer has been done.
In all cases we need the form below details each year.

Printable .pdf version of this form - CLICK HERE

1. Given name(s):
First name:

Mrs / Miss / Ms / Mr / Dr
2. Address: .
Optional - Would you prefer Bromeletter delivered by email ?
See Membership types below.
3. Contact:
email : Mobile Phone: Home Phone:
4. Membership :
(Please tick)
Membership A$35 p.a. ( . . ) (Posted)
Membership A$25 p.a. ( . . ) (emailed)
. .
*For posted Bromeletter add - - - > Australia Post Free ( . ) NZ/Asia/Pacific Airmail + A$58 ( . . )
UK/Europe/S.Africa Airmail + A$87 ( . . )
USA/Rest of World Airmail + A$81 ( . . )
5. Payment : Cheque ( . ) Overseas Draft ( . ) Cash ( . )
(Please tick) Bankcard ( . ) MasterCard ( . ) VISA card ( . )
Postal Order ( . ) Other :
6. Card Details : Cardholder name: .
Card number: Expiry:
7. Card Holder Signature

Signature :
NAME USE AUTHORISATION: Under the provisions of the Federal Government Privacy Act, use of names and references to private details, such as illness, holidays, birthdays and items of a similar nature, such as those contained in Members' Update, may only be published with the written permission of the person concerned. This is a government requirement, not this Society's.
Do you agree to having such personal information included in the Bromeletter?
8. Name use authorisationYes. _____ No. _____

The form may also be emailed if paying by Direct Debit from your bank to our CBA bank, BSB = 062180, Account = 10010802.
Include your initial and surname in deposit reference and please send an email ASAP to confirm transfer has been done.

If you don't want to print the printable form, fill in details, then scan and send back.....
You can select the form above, copy to clipboard (Ctrl-C), click the link below, then paste (Ctrl-V) into the body of email and fill in the details

Updated 09/12/22