NZ & Asia/Pacific - A$58 UK, Europe, S.Africa - A$87 USA & Rest of world - A$81 |
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* Overseas members must include the relevant airmail postal costs with their subscription.
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1. Given name(s): | First name: | Surname: | Mrs / Miss / Ms / Mr / Dr |
2. Address: | . . | See Membership types below. | |
3. Contact: . | email : | Mobile Phone: | Home Phone: |
4. Membership : (Please tick) | Membership A$35 p.a. ( . . ) (Posted) Membership A$25 p.a. ( . . ) (emailed) | . | . |
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6. Card Details : | Cardholder name: | . . | |
Card number: | Expiry: . | ||
7. Card Holder Signature | Signature : | ||
NAME USE AUTHORISATION: Under the provisions of the Federal Government Privacy Act, use of names and references to private details, such as illness, holidays, birthdays and items of a similar nature, such as those contained in Members' Update, may only be published with the written permission of the person concerned. This is a government requirement, not this Society's. Do you agree to having such personal information included in the Bromeletter? |
8. Name use authorisation | Yes. _____ | No. _____ | Signature. |
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