Werauhia marnier-lapostollei
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Werauhia marnier-lapostollei

Mitch Jones 11/24

Werauhia marnier-lapostollei (L.B. SMITH) J.R. GRANT, comb. nov. Trop. Subtrop. Pflanz. 91 (1995)
Basionym: Vriesea marnier-lapostollei L.B. SMITH, Bull. Bromeliad Soc. 14(6): 109, 1964. TYPE: Costa Rica. Cordillera Brunquena, HORICH 41 (holotype, US).

Desc from S&D
107. Vriesea marnier-lapostollei L. B. Smith, Bromel. Soc. Bull. 14: 108, figs. 1964. Fig. 377 F-H.

Plant stemless, flowering 3 dm high with the inflorescence erected.
Leaves about 20 in a spreading rosette, 14 cm long, regularly longitudinally red-striped especially toward base, covered on both sides with pale appressed scales;
sheath elliptic, distinct, 6 cm long;
blade ligulate, broadly acute and apiculate, 25 mm wide, flat.
Scape very slender, sigmoid, spreading and then ascending at anthesis, becoming erect in fruit;
scape-bracts very tightly enfolding the scape, barely imbricate or the upper shorter than the internodes.
Inflorescence simple, rather dense, 6-9-flowered.
Floral bracts secund with the flowers, broadly ovate, acute, much exceeded by the sepals, even, ecarinate;
flowers short pedicellate, suberect-secund.
Sepals elliptic, obtuse, 19 mm long, thin-coriaceous, ecarinate, smooth;
petals ligulate, obtuse, 30-35 mm long, bearing two coarsely dentate scales at base;
stamens included, the filaments evenly linear throughout.
Type. Horich 41 (holotype US), Cordillera Brunquena, Costa Rica, cultivated and flowered by Marnier-Lapostolle, Jan 1964.
DISTRIBUTION. Epiphytic in forest, ca 1100 m alt, Costa Rica.
COSTA RICA. SAN JOSE: San Isidro de el General, 2 Mar 1966, L. B. Smith 15305 (US); 7 Mar 1966, L. B. Smith & Berry 15317 (US).

Updated 10/11/24