Vriesea Rosella
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Vriesea Rosella
Not registered.
Apparently originated from Marjorie McNamarra, via Ron Farrugia. Could be mis-spelt, twisted, or mis-read.
Ross Little & Eileen Killingley thinks it looks a bit "Vr. retroflexa", Derek Butcher thinks maybe "Vr. rubyae" (if gets more dangle & not a hybrid).

Ian Hook, 09/12.
retroflexa or sometimes xretroflexa - should be 'Retroflexa'.
Note from Derek Butcher..."'Retroflexa' is a hybrid from the 1800's and is a manmade hybrid and there are a lot of plants around with this name. My view is that there are lots of so-called remakes around that don't deserve the name and identification should be based on the colouring depicted in the original painting which is on the BCR.
You may notice that the pollen parent is another Morren manmade hybrid see 'Morreniana' on the BCR which you will notice I was stirring about in 1998.
Eventually the Brazilians decided that their plant found in the wild should be called Vr. flava and nothing like the so called 'Morreniana'.
Such are the problems of trying to link a manmade hybrid with a so called natural hybrid ! >:-}

Updated 25/09/12