Unknown 61-70
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#61, Billbergia from Dion Fourie 08/08
When flowered, looks like Billbergia euphemiae purpurea
#68, 03/09 from VS, Sheba? or Bossa Nova?

Unknown #64 moved to Neoregelia Blood Spots 08/01/12.

#62= T. kirchhoffiana when flowered 04/16. 08/08 from DF. T.pauciflora??? On cork with Tillandsia? faded? Nursery label. KW thought perhaps Vriesea. Terry Davis sure it's T. kirchhoffiana.
#65, 11/08 BSA bare rooted probably N. Strawberry Top.
#67, 03/09 Mini N. from SS. Adult loses barring.
Succulent #02 from Joyce Thomas West Ryde.
Succulent #02.
#69 BSA raffle 09/09, bare rooted. Probably Quesnelia marmorata.
#70 BSA raffle 11/09, bare rooted.

Updated 28/04/16