Unknown 41-50 Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
#41, Neo. Blushing Tiger ? 11/07 from Richard Shearim.
#42, Neoregelia ? 11/07 from Richard Shearim.
#42, Neoregelia ? 12/08.
#42, Neoregelia ? 11/09.
#42, Neoregelia ? 11/09.
#43, Moved to Neo Tropiflora's Red Cloud
#44, Mini Neoregelia. Not Golden Glean? 03/08
#45, labelled Neo. mini ampulacea concentrica v. phutonis. But not Plutonis, possibly amp x Plutonis. 03/08
#46, BSA raffle 04/08 possibly Neo Tiger or Ritz.
#47, BSA raffle 04/08 possibly Nid leprosa?
#47, 05/09. More likely a Vriesea.
#47, 07/09
#47, 07/09
#47, 02/17
#47, 02/17
#47, 02/19
#47 - 12/04/2008 BSA raffle possibly Nid leprosa X. Try Vr. Spotty with brown fingernails.
Richard Harper 03/19 "looks like a cross I did, Mambo x guttata", about '06/07
Richard Harper - not my cross, see=3200_n.jpg = Hi Ian, plant below looks close, what do you think? Just dragged it out of the garden where it was overgrown and full of leaves, but hopefully the pics are clear enough. 448_n.jpg=Same plant of mine, trying to get a pic of a leaf base (at middle back) that has been free of dead camelia leaves. 968_n.jpg=plus flower spike - not in the best shape, but? This one was purchased on eBay by a mate back in 2006 labelled as "Vriesea guttata hybrid" and I'd seen it myself there quite a few times for several years after that. I wouldn't be game to confirm that as a correct ID, but whatever it is, there is probably a good bit of it around with that label.
Peter Tristram One of my hybrids from the early ‘80s by the look of it. I know some were registered by Maurice Kellett who bought the seedlings from me.