Tillandsia vanhyningii
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Tillandsia vanhyningii
NOTE: previously listed as ionantha var. van hyningii, it has now been raised to species status.

Chris Larson 07/11.
Peter Tristram 10/14.
Nanette Collingwood 08/16
Chris Larson ... "Not often seen in colour & flower. Taken by me at Bob Hudson's place during the World Bromeliad Conference."
Peter Tristram ... "The variety 'van hyningii' isn't often posted and is slow growing plant. I gather it is not easy to find in Mexico now as the canyon where it grew is now a dam. Pam might know more. I have a few forms and Chris and I found a monster in Colombia at Gruber’s."
Bob Hudson 06/19
Chris Larson 08/19 "From Asia, probably tissue culture."
Chris Larson 05/21
Chris Larson 07/22
Pamela Koide Hyatt 07/22
Pamela Koide Hyatt ... "Bird Rock Tropicals, 07/22.
Someone got promoted to SPECIES status! Tillandsia ionantha var. van hyningii was first described by Mulford B. Foster in 1957. Foster discovered the now Tillandsia vanhyningii (pronounced van-HIGH-nin-gee-eye) in the Sumidero Canyon of Chiapas, Mexico, growing along steep limestone cliffs in large formations. At first glance, Foster was sure it was a new species, but after blooming and observing the plant, it appeared the have the same composition as many other forms of ionantha. In a paper last year, Carlos Beutelspacher and Roberto Garcia-Martinez argued for the reclassification of Tillandsia ionantha var. van hyningii by elevating it to species status due to the caluescent growth habit not observed in other varietals or cultivars of ionantha. The name change was accepted, and so Tillandsia vanhyningii is born. The name, which can be difficult to say, honors long time Tillandsia collectors, the Van Hynings."

Updated 28/07/22