Tillandsia seleriana x streptophylla
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Tillandsia from "Cerro Azul"
Un-named and un-registered natural(?) hybrid of seleriana x (streptophylla ?)
Bob Hudson 05/17 as "Cerro Azul", ex Chris Larson
Ian Hook to discussion group ... "What is a T. "Cerro Azul" ?
John Olsen ... "I have a plant from Germany collected at Cerro Azul. It is said to be seleriana x streptophylla but pundits all see capitata traits."
Bob Hudson ... "It is a Tillandsia I obtained from Chris Larson. Bruce Dunstan corrected me, apparently that is not its name, it comes from Cerro Azul??"
Bruce Dunstan ... "Cerro Azul translates to the Blue Mountain in spanish. As I told Bob there is one just outside of Panama City where the TV towers are and we found the attached Variegated Pitcairnia, now lovingly cultivated by Chester. Bob's plant would be of Mexican origin with that parentage. There are obviously blue mountains everywhere. Hopefully there will be a Cerro Azul in Ecuador."

Tillandsia seleriana x streptophylla
Un-named and un-registered natural(?) hybrid.
Rob Bower 05/20
Pam Butler 06/20 as streptophylla x seleriana
Rob Bower ... "I got this from John Olsen - it's a very vigorous grower. Looking at the BCR that combination of parents comes up as Selerepton (P.Tristram) but it only has pics of the parents. Any comments on whether this is Selerepton or just the same cross remade?"
Peter Tristram ... "Certainly not Selerepton. More like a capitata or brachycaulos hybrid. There are a couple of nice pics of Selerepton on BinA."
Rob Bower ... "It is a very nice pic and I note your comment questioning whether it’s a hybrid or just a seleriana. John Olsen told me that he got my version in Germany. Reputedly a natural hybrid collected Cerro Azul Mexico."

Pam Butler 06/20 ... "Nice colour in this hybrid labelled streptophylla x seleriana."
Rob Bower ... "Yes nice colours. Its one of those hybrids that didn’t carry the parents leaf and spike shape at all directly."
Derek Butcher ... "Do you think it worthwhile checking on its credentials? I have never liked formulas because they are so hard to trace with hybridist unknown. This formula leads to 'Blushing Giant' which shows differences."
Peter Tristram ... "It looks more like a brachycaulos hybrid to me. Lovely cluster of flowers!"
Pam Butler ... "I have checked on this plant's history and it appears that it is the same plant that was discussed on 'Bromeliads in Australia' forum back at the beginning of May.
My mistake, it is labelled as T. seleriana x streptophylla and the history is Ex Germany as a Natural Hybrid."
Ed. ... "Note that the convention for Natural hybrids is to list parents alphabetically."
Rob Bower 04/21
Rob Bower ... "I bought this seleriana x streptophylla from John Olsen. It grows fast and flowers regularly. T. Selerepton is on the BCR site and has the same parents but is obviously quite different from mine. Im wondering if anyone has any information on it? Im presuming its not uncommon as it grows and multiplies regularly. Any comments?"
Steve Molnar ... "I'm probably wrong but to me it looks like it may have capitata in the mix there. Nice looking plant no matter what though."
Rob Bower ... "Thanks Steve - yes the BCR pic of Selerepton has an inflorescence like I'd expect from that cross while mine doesn’t. But it does look like a capitata formation as you say."
John Olsen ... "This is a plant I got fro Lydia kohres in Germany. These are her putative parents It came with a collection location Cerro Azul presumably in Mexico so it’s a natural hybrid I have kept her ID but like you I see more capitata than seleriana. It’s nothing like Selerepton which has a bulbous base and mine has a nice reddish tinge to it."

Updated 06/04/21