Tillandsia rauschii
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Tillandsia rauschii
Justin Lee 12/18

Tillandsia rauschii Rauh & Lehmann Trop Subtrop Pflanz 21: 41-45. 1977
PIanta acaulis, gregarie crescens, inflorescentiis pendulis.
Folia numerosa rosulam rigidam explanatam plus minusve 30 cm diameticntem formantia. Vaginae indistincte limitatae. Laminae anguste triangulatae, longe arcuminatae, reclinatae, involutae, usque ad 20 cm longae, supra vaginam 2 cm latae, utriumque dense cano-appresso-lcpidotae. Scapus inflorescentiae arcuato-crectus vel nutans, 15- 18 cm longus, 6 mm diametiens, teres, viridis, disperse cano-lepidotus. Phylla scapi basalia subfoliata, superiora acuminati, dcnse imbricata, internodiis longiora. Inflorescentia arcuato-pendula, bipinnata, plus minusve 18 cm longa, 6 cm lata, spicis plus minusve 7 erectis divaricatis. Axis rufus dense cano-lepidotus. Bracteae primariae phyllis scapi superioribus similes subrectae dense cano-lepidotae rufae, plus minusve 3-4 cm longae spicis breviores. Spicae basi foliata sterili, 7-8 cm 1ongae, 1,4 cm latae complanatae rhachidi squamosa) sub anthesi partim obtecta, partim visibili, Bracteae florales plus minusve imbricatae, distichae, 2,3 cm longae, usque ad 1,3 cm latae, lanceolato-acuminatae, tantum apice carinatae, roseae, dense cano-lepidotae. Flores sessiles, lutei. Sepala posteriora carinata, libera, 1,5 cm longa, 7 mm lata, membranacea, rosea, basim versus virescenti-brunnea, lepidota. Petala lutea, explanata, acuminata, Antherae et stylus inclusae.
Habitat : Bolivia, locus et biotopus ignoti. Coll. W. Rausch
Holotypus: B.G.H. Nr. 31.623, Herb.Inst. Bot. System. Heidelberg (HEID).

Plant stemless, growing in groups, with hanging inflorescence, Leaves numerous, making a stiff, flat, wide rosette 30cm diam.
Sheath indistinct.
Blade narrow triangular, long acuminate, reflexed, rolled inwards, to 20cm long, 2cm wide next to sheath, both sides dense appressed grey lepidote.
Scape bent upwards to bent over, 15 – 18cm long, 6mm thick, round, green, scattered grey lepidote.
Scape bracts bottom ones leaflike, the upper tipped, dense imbricate, longer than the internodes.
Inflorescence bent-hanging, bipinnate, ca 18cm long, 6cm wide, with ca 7, erect-spreading spikes,
Rhachis brownish-red, dense grey lepidote.
Primary bracts similar to upper scape bracts, dense grey lepidote, brownish-red, ca 3 – 4cm long, shorter than the spike.
Spike including the bracted sterile base 7 – 8cm long, 1.4cm wide, complanate.
Spike rhachis scaled, at anthesis partly covered partly visible.
Flower bracts ca imbricate, distichous, 2 – 3cm long, to 1.3cm wide, lancelike, acuminate, scarcely keeled at the tip, pink, dense grey lepidote. Flower sessile, yellow. Sepals, the posterior ones keeled, free, 1.5cm long, 7mm wide, membranous, pink, towards the base greenish brown, lepidote.
Petals yellow, wide, acuminate.
Stamens & style included.
Habitat Bolivia, exact location unknown..leg. W. Rausch
Holotype BGH Nr. 31 623 HEID

Differs from T. jucunda in that T. jucunda has a simple polystichous inflorescence.

Differs from T. latifolia in
1. Leaves thinner.
2. Inflorescence hanging.
3. Spikes bent.
4. Sepals free.
5. Petals yellow and very wide reflexed

Updated 11/04/19