Tillandsia macrochlamys x cretacea
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Tillandsia macrochlamys x cretacea
Chris Larson ...."This is from Pam/Birdrock Tropicals, it was from the import she did for the WBC - 2008. kalambacheri/mooreana/cretacea hybrid but what is the other? Packing list says TX310 T. macrochlamys X cretacea. It has been at home for the past year & had a cold winter – I had continuous problems with scale on this plant in the heated houses at work – in the days before I discovered a ½ hour soak in Eco-oil (canola, tea tree & eucalyptus oils) doesn’t harm them in the slightest (except when an oil covered plant is left in the full summer sun!), even the silver tills haven’t been damaged, & it kills scale and mealy bug. I’ve never had a re-infection after treatment/soak with Eco-oil except when re-infected from an outside source.
It is one of my favourite plants at the moment. The leaves are thick and slightly leathery. The spike was not pink until the first flower & is getting stronger by the day – especially with the cold."
George Stamatis .... "I haven't flowered mine yet, also from Pam as a hybrid of macrochlamys and cretacea. I have 2 clones. One that is more grey-leafed and rather slow, and the other which has foliage just like yours and is a large and very vigorous grower."
Peter Tristram .... "Trouble (for me) is that the real macrochlamys doesn’t seem to have been around and certainly doesn’t look to be in this plant. Various other species used to be labelled macrochlamys including borealis, cossonii, hintoniana, carlos-hankii and other mooreana types, a real mixed bag! To my mind Chris’s plant is more mooreana than anything. The lateral branches are horizontally angled too whereas cretacea is vertically set.
I like the plant too! Hope it pups – should if mostly mooreana."
Updated 19/11/13