Tillandsia itaubensis
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Tillandsia itaubensis
Bruce Dunstan 10/21 itaubensis ?
Bruce Dunstan 10/21 itaubensis ?
Bruce Dunstan ... "From Peter Tristram, ex. Renate Ehlers. It has a very different pupping habit to any of the related species. I had a quick look at the description for T. itaubensis and it seems a little different. If we get to a TPE it might make a good discussion."

Tillandsia itaubensis T. Strehl sp.nov. (Fig. l2-l7, 37,38) Iheringia, Ser. Bot., Porto Alegre, n.54, p19-44, Dec 2000
Diagnosis: Planta caulescens; florens ad 20 cm alta. Folia viridi-argentea; lamina ad 10-12 cm longa, ad 1-1.3 cm lata. Inflorescentia simplex, 4-5 flora; bracteae scapi foliis similes, longiores quam internodia; bracteae florales ad 1.6 2cm longae. ad 1.1-1.3cm latae. Sepala ad 1.4-1.6cm longa. Petala ad 2.2-2.5 cm longa, coerulea.
A T. bella cui affinis foliis manifeste cinereo-lepidotis. inflorescentia breviore et petali coloris differt.

Holotypus: BRASILIA. Rio Grande do Sul, Salto do Jacui, represa de Itauba. 4. VIII.1998.
M. Rocha & T. Strehl 1172 (HAS 36898).

Plant saxicolous. caulescent, forming groups, with well developed roots.
Leaves l2-16, very grooved. succulent, polystichous, recurved, silvery green. intensely covered with scales from the sheath to the apex with exception of the inside of the sheaths that are glabrous; in the basal area and in the margins of the blades the scales are larger and more concentrated; 10-12 cm long, l-1.3 cm wide at the base.
Scape arched, longer than the leaves;
Scape bracts imbricates and also covered with scales.
Inflorescence with few flowers (4-5), polystichous.
Floral bracts ovate, covered with white scales especially in the apex, a little marked with longitudinal lines. not carinate, rosy to wine colored. 1.6-2 cm long, l.1-l.3 cm wide, finishing with a tip of 1-3 mm.
Sepals membranaceous, narrow oval, acuminate apex, the anterior not carinate and free, the posterior pair carinate and connate to 0.5 cm from the apex, rosy for the apex and white - greenish for the base, 1.4-l.6 cm long, covered by the bracts.
Petals clear, a little recurved. a little carinate, white lineal base, blade larger, obtuse, margins a little wavy, clear blue or dark blue, 2.2-2.5 cm long.
Stamens included, filaments filiform, plicate in the middle area, anthers basifixed. Stigma 3 mm longer than the anthers.
Ovary oval.
Capsule cylindrical.
Habitat: it forms dense groups, on the rocky faces on the margins of the dam of Itauba with T. afonsoana.

Fenologia: it blooms between August and September.

Etymology: The name of the species makes reference the plant of Itauba, because it was found in the margin of the dam.

Comments: the species reminds you of T. bella, but differs in the leaves cinereo-lepidote, smaller floral bracts, petals blue clear or blue dark and margins slightly wavy.
The covering of the leaves and its disposition makes the species seem like T. polzii, but which it differs from because of the compact inflorescence and for the smaller flowers.

Updated 05/11/21