Tillandsia fuchsii forma stephanii
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Tillandsia fuchsii forma stephanii
Peter Tristram ... "Is this plant T. fuchsii v. fuchsii or v. stephani? It seems a bit of a mixture. Opinions welcome! It’s from Germany."
Derek Butcher ... "You have more pointers to stephanii than fuchsii. Some botanists do not believe in subspecies varieties etc because there is always a plant that does not fit the box allocated. This is one instance where all the differences listed by Walter Till don't apply. Seed raising could give a better idea of variability of the type species but meticulous records would have to be kept to cover the foreign pollen angle and well as the seed raiser retaining all the seedlings until flowering. A simpler way would be to go in the Cultivar direction if asexual reproduction occurred because it would highlight that there is doubt about where you would put it according to ICBN rules other than using aff.!"
Updated 11/06/14