HOLOTYPUS HIC DESIGNATUS: PR119'75; 20.11.2007, leg. J. J. Halda (JJH07112002).
PATRIA ET DISTRIBUTIO: Bolivia department Chuquisaca: saxetum verticalium prope urbi Nuevo Mundo 1750m supra mare.
DESCRIPTION: From similar T. edithae Rauh differs in having tiny bright red flowers with very short tube and succulent leaves, densely covered with rusty scales.
Plant caulescent pendant usually up to 200 mm long;
Leaves many, wide rosulate, up to 100 mm long, rigid, including sheath barely 25 mm wide, narrowed into sharp tip, whole rusty scaled;
Floral stem shorter than leaves, densely scaled, covered with ovate-lanceolate bracts;
Inflorescence many-flowered, very densely paniculate, the same length or a bit shorter than leaves, usually up 20 flowers in 1-3-branched panicle covered by primary bracts,
Primary bracts prominent, elliptic, acute, dorsally densely scaled;
Floral bracts ca 5 mm apart, outside bright red, much longer than calyx, suberect, elliptic, acute, up 25 mm long, not carinate, covering the calyx.
Flowers up 25 mm long, with petals somewhat free, outside glabrous, almost elliptic, widely acute, up to 15 mm long, bright red, somewhat rhombic, obtuse, at full bloom campanulate.
Anthers reach ca one half of petals; style elongate.
Fruit brown up to 15 mm long.
Seeds brown, oblong, tiny.
DISTRIBUTION: Bolivia, department Chuquisaca: dry bare vertical rocks up Nuevo Mundo at altitude 1750m above sea level.
Not cultivated yet.
From: Derek Butcher. To: Eric Gouda
Subject: Tillandsia barborkae
Eric, Walter & Harry
Ever since this was published I have thought it to be a synonym of T. edithiae
The protologue says inflorescence compound but the drawing shows simple. I did ask Halda for a photo but got no reply.
Needless to say unofficial names for T. edithiae, like green form, orange flowered, etc are around
Any thoughts as to treating this as a synonym?
From: Harry Luther. To: Derek Butcher
Its the same as T. edithiae, will be treated as such in the next binomial list.