Tillandsia albertiana Lisa's Jewel or Margarite?
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Tillandsia albertiana x edithae
Unregistered (in 2009).
John Olsen 2011 ... "Imported in 2009 from Germany. Has been slow to flower but great colour."

Tillandsia Lisa's Jewel
albertiana x edithae. "Flowering to 15 cm high. Reg. Doc. 10/2006. by Juhl Floyd 1993."

edithae x albertiana. "Mature small rosette to 20cms diameter. Narrow, stiff, scurfed grey-green / bronze, deeply-channeled, tapering leaves. Short spike of scarlet red flowers resembling the pollen parent. Reg. Doc. 1/2015 by G. Lawn. Burkhard Holm 1986 Germany." NB - many of Holm's hybrids were listed with reversed parentage order.

John Olsen 11/11 as albertiana x edithae *
* - 2019, John Olsen now believes his plant is closer to the reverse cross, recently registered as 'Margarite'.

Updated 08/01/20