Tillandsia Trieta X streptophylla
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Tillandsia Trieta X streptophylla
A Barry Genn hybrid of T. Trieta X streptophylla - not registered.
T. Trieta is also not yet registered, said to be a cross of tricolor X flabellata by Norm Kretschmann (QLD) in the 60's or 70's.
Bruce Dunstan 11/20

Bruce Dunstan ... "A Barry Genn hybrid T. Trieta X streptophylla."
Dale Dixon ... "T. ‘Trietta’. Does anyone know anything about this ?cultivar?"
Geoff Lawn ... "There is but one lead trace re T. 'Trietta' on Facebook from over 2 years ago.
Neville Ryan ... "T. Trietta is a hybrid made by Norm Kretschmann QLD, it would have been made in the 1960s or 1970s."
Pam Butler ... "I have purchased x 2 plants with the name T. Trieta( only 2ts) from Barry Genn. He said they were a hybrid of streptophylla. I am not at home at the moment but I have the cross on my database. I think he said it was a Hybrid done by Norman Kratzman or Rolley Reilly. Barry is the one to ask."
Peter Tristram ... "As for Trieta/Trietta. I'm sure it's a tricolor hyb. I used to visit Norm K and Rolley R in the good old days and obtained some great plants from them, but didn't know about Trieta until I started grilling BG about it! Lol! He gave me some hybrids using it."
Barry Genn ... "T. Trieta is T. tricolor x T. flabellata and called T. Trieta by the breeder Norm Kratzman. I tried to have this plant registered a few years ago but it did not proceed. I continue to use the T. Trieta name as this plant is very different to any of the other tricolor / flabellata crosses. I have done a cross using T. Trieta x streptophylla which are coming in to flower now."
Bruce Dunstan 12/20 I can’t stop taking photos of this one and it is still to fully flower.

Updated 08/12/20