Tillandsia Tina Parr Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Tillandsia Tina Parr seleriana x ionantha by P.Isley.
See www.rainforestflora.com/hybrids/57.htm
Note, listed on RFI above as reverse cross.
See also the BCR for an even greater range of differences.
Note: Neville Ryan has also made this cross in Australia. It is different. See "seleriana x ionantha" in Tillandsia cultivars on this web site.
Len Colgan. From Collectors Corner.
Cross repeated by Andrew Flower. First generation.
Steve Molnar 03/17 as T. seleriana x ionantha
Steve Molnar ... "I've had this one come into flower today and on the label is T. seleriana x ionantha. So looking that cross up brought me to the name of T.`Tina Parr'. It looks very similar to the picture shown on the BCR, but then I also looked up the reverse cross and some of those look similar too. Some times it is hard to get a clear distinction between some crosses as so many growing factors influence how the plants look. Anyway I'll add Tina Parr to the label unless someone else suggests otherwise." Ed: ... The experts' advice to Steve was yes, but! This cross has been made more than once, without knowing it's provenance things can get tricky. Also - could it be a wrongly labelled reverse cross; the variability of the grex and how many were released; then cultural differences.
Vic Przetocki 08/18 as seleriana x ionantha
Vic Przetocki 08/18 Tina Parr
Vic Przetocki ... "I’ve been growing the plant T. seleriana x ionantha for a long time, it’s currently in flower and measures 15 cm tall with flower spike. T. Tina Parr which I am also growing is listed as having the same parentage but is different in size and flower spike. Can only assume that someone did the seleriana x ionantha at an earlier date and didn’t bother to register it. Can’t remember who I got it from, too far back in time." Derek Butcher ... "Such are the problems we face with hybrids. We do not know how many seed pods were involved when Tina Parr was born or what sort of selection took place." Chris Larson ... "In my experience RFI uses grex names when selling their Tillandsias, as do most growers that I know. Those that select and cast away are the exception. There is always variation within plants of the same cv name in my experience with RFI (which I find a good thing.) It is very likely, from my observation & from conversations with others, that sometimes their plants are remakes.
Also, others have done this cross.
My earlier imports of T. Tina Parr (ex-RFI) are differing in size & colour to the later ones (ex-RFI)."
Rob Bower 11/20 'Tina Parr'
Rob Bower ... "Here's my version of 'Tina Parr' and in this flowering you can see the seleriana influence but in earlier flowering the inflorescence didn't protrude so much" Chris Larson ... "I have imported T. Tina Parr twice from RFI, once in the early 90's & again in 2006. I think that the second import is probably a remake - and it never reaches the size of the first.
Neither of these imports look like Neville Ryan's cross of seleriana x ionantha.
Both look like 'Tina Parr' as shown on the BCR. Mine can be a little more secund than the BCR photos, but none have the branched infloresence or exserted flower bracts - no matter the condition I grow them under."
Dale Dixon 01/21
Dale Dixon ... "I really like this one. It was bought under formulae from John Olsen at the BSQ Autumn Show.
It’s seems different to the the plant of same parentage called Tillandsia 'Tina Parr'. Anyone know whose hybrid it is? It’s a great plant and should be registered in my opinion." Chris Larson ... "There are a stack of versions of this hybrid.
To me this one looks a lot like the Isley T. Tina Parr imported in the early 90s. The one from the mid 00s that we imported was much smaller."