Tillandsia Tilly Delight
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Tillandsia Tilly Delight
Registered 06/12. xiphioides X stricta, P.Isley

Derek Butcher 06/12.
Peter Tristram 06/12.
Paul Isley.
Derek Butcher ... "I got this at Albury 2010 and it decided to do its deed in the winter. How common is it?
Does it need a name and registered if only to warn other budding hyridists not to try it again?"
Peter Tristram ... "I didn't hybridize this one, BUT I do have a plant now, ex Rainforest Flora in 2010. I wonder who else would have had RFI plants back then??! "
I reckon our plants look very similar(ly uninteresting) and are more a novelty than a treasure!"
Chris Larson ... "Collector's Corner imported this from PTI III in 2006. I think we got about 10 or 20. One time I flowered it, it got rosy bracts and looked OK - cultural or clonal?
Derek seemed to think he got it from Peter but it was probably me. Certainly nothing to write home about."
Dale Dixon 02/21
Dale Dixon 02/21
Dale Dixon ... "Personally, I like the it. Here is why! It’s not a small plant. It has a reasonable presence on the wall of the #TillHouse. The inflorescence is long with many long floral bracts producing flowers over a couple of weeks. Coupled with this are the large flowers of a pleasing lavender colour and in my growing conditions the floral bracts also develop some colour which adds to it’s attractiveness. I think the true beauty of this cultivar will be revealed when it flowers again and again as a large multi-stemmed plant.
I don’t think I would have ever considered transferring T. stricta pollen to this seed parent if the situation had presented itself in my collection. However, maybe the hybridist did think each parent would bring quality traits to progeny of this cross (bright colourful floral bracts of T. stricta, large scented flowers of T. xiphioides). Or was it simply a matter of what was in flower at the same time in a hybridist’s collection ?"
Chris Larson 04/22
Chris Larson ... "Not the most spectacular plant, but the scent is really nice. Terrible name, too - IMO."

Updated 01/05/22