It reads as follows: "The greater part of my way lay near the sea shore, which was bespread with the wrecks of vessels: How many prayers, sighs and tears, vows and lamentations, all alas in vain! arose to my imagination at this melancholy spectacle. It brought to my mind the student*, who in going by sea, from Stockholm to Abo had experienced so severely the terrors of the deep, that he rather chose to walk back to Stockholm through East Bothnia, Tornea, West Bothnia; &c., than trust himself again to so cruel and treacherous a deity as Neptune."
*This was Tillands, afterwards Professor at Abo, who hence assumed this surname, expressive of his attachment to land, and Linnaeus named in honour of him a plant which cannot bear wet. See his Ord. Nat: 291.
The Ord. Nat: reference proves to be a paragraph in Latin giving the more definite information that Tillands chose two hundred miles by land rather than eight by sea: Linnaeus had his little joke on his seasick friend but he showed himself a poor observer, for he should have noticed that the scales of Tillandsia function like blotting paper and not like shingles as he evidently imagined:
Peter Tristram ... "I posted this info on Facebook to help explain how I label plants. As many of you know, I supply many of the newer species and some hybrids into collections. Many of these codes apply to Chris Larson's more recent imports too as they were often sourced by me. We share most. Since plants I have imported, propagated up, or grown from seed are being spread far and wide, my label codes (and Chris's) need to stay with any newly written labels. Ignore the bits about non-Tills if solely a Till grower. Of course the same applies to ex-Tillandsia genera, Catopsis, etc.
For my hybrid Neos in particular, if under formula, a # code is used if there is more than 1 pup of the clone (individual seedling). Different codes of the same cross mean different clones of that cross. If no code it’s either the only plant of that clone or it's named.
For Aechmea, Quesnelia, Canistrum, Tillandsia, Vriesea, etc., the same applies to some crosses, especially if there are obvious differences between plants of the same cross.
With Tills and certain other genera (mainly species), the main codes I use are source codes. For more info on many, simply search the web.
LK = Lydia Koehres (Germany)
KK = Karel Knize (Peru)
LH = Lieselotte/Lotte Hromadnik (Austria)
RE = Renate Ehlers (Germany)
Bak = Peter Bak (The Netherlands)
EG/Utrecht = Eric Gouda/Utrecht Botanic Gardens (The Netherlands)
Holm = Burkhard Holm (Germany)
Boe & AB = Andreas Boeker (Germany)
Uwe = Uwe Scharf (Germany)
HP = Hermann Prinsler (Germany)
PH = Petra Hensel (Germany)
Heid = Heidelberg Botanical Gardens (Germany)
Goet/t = Goettingen BG (Germany)
Halle = Halle BG (Germany)
Vienna/WT = Vienna BG/Walter Till (Austria)
MSBG/Selby = Marie Selby Botanic Gardens (USA)
HEL = Harry Luther USA/Singapore
FG/Col = Franz Gruber/ Bromelia de Colombia (Colombia)
Trop = Tropiflora (USA)
RFI = Rainforest Flora Inc. (USA)
BRT = Birdrock Tropicals (USA)
CS = Chester Skotak (Costa Rica)
JK = Jeff Kent (USA)
CL = Chris Larson (Australia)
LC = Len Colgan (Australia)
UD/DB = Derek Butcher (Australia)
NR = Neville Ryan (Australia)
BG = Barry Genn (Australia)
BH = Bob Hudson (Australia)
OT = Olive, Len, Bec Trevor/the Olive Grove (Australia)
MF = Michael Ferenczi (Australia)
GS = George Stamatis (Australia)
NT = Nigel Thomson (Australia)
JO = John Olsen (Australia)
BD = Bruce Dunstan (Australia)
PT = me
And so on using the source person’s initials.
I also put country of origin sometimes.
Col = Colombia
Mex = Mexico
CR = Costa Rica
Once a plant becomes widely distributed, I don't always code the label. I also forget to code and have been known to make mistakes or writing seems illegible, when writing hundreds of labels for shows, etc. It's easy to ask me for clarification, as some of you thankfully do.
It’s worth getting the spelling correct too! Take a little time to check if unsure.
Enjoy your broms!"