Tillandsia Tandur
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Tillandsia Tandur
cv. of ixioides x stricta (violacea?) by M.Paterson, 1988.
BCR ... Leaning Inflorescence has scurfed salmon pink bracts and pastel yellow flowers.
See also T. Kybong, the reverse cross.
Steve Molnar 09/16
Steve Molnar ... "I got this plant and it was named T. Kybong (sticta X ixioides), but now that it has flowered I think it is actually the reverse cross T. Tandur (ixiodes X stricta). Can anyone please confirm this before I change the label. It's a pleasant surprise but now I am going to have to find a Kybong to get the matching set.....lol.
'You never know for sure until it flowers' - I may have heard this once or twice from fellow collectors :)"
Ray Clark ... "I have had a quick look at the DVD and also BCR, I believe that there are a few discrepancies when compared with Margaret Paterson’s notes from her Book 2.
On page 22 you will see two photos indicating the different coloured flowers of the two plants in question.
Margaret also notes in the text above these images that ‘Kybong has blue petals and Tandur has yellow / white petals”; therefore it’s my opinion that you would be right in saying that you actually have Tandur, also the stricta is stricta ‘violacea’ which may have a bearing on things.
Given that you flowers have already opened, I reckon that you have the answer."

Ray Clark 10/20
Ray Clark ... "I have had a question in the back of my mind with regard to this plant for quite a while, along with a wise old voice that kept saying, wait until it flowers next!
Well, clearly the plant has flowered and despite my thoughts that it was T. 'Kybong I now believe my plant to be T. ’Tandur’, principally due to the yellow flower petals.
If we look at the pics on the BCR there’s not much to see but if anyone has a copy of Margaret Paterson’s book 2, then the answer is clear I think, page 22 has some detail about the differences between the different plants from the same grex, Tandur = yellow/white flowers."

Updated 12/11/20