Tillandsia Saint Eulogius
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Tillandsia Saint Eulogius
albida x streptophylla by Mark Dimmitt.
From BCR ... ""
Mature rosette to 30cms. diameter. Silvery long, attenuate, spreading, decurving leaves. Red-stemmed, tall, branched inflorescence with green bracts and pale lilac flowers. See also 'Tall Stranger'. Arizona USA
Peter Tristram 06/17 |
Ron Jell 06/17 |
Peter Tristram ... "I bought this interesting hybrid in 2012 from PTI the 3rd at RFI. It’s T. albida x streptophylla (by Mark Dimmitt) and a pretty neat plant too. It’s a fairly slow grower here and a very long bloomer as well. I notice another grexmate (??) is named 'Tall Stranger' and wonder if anyone has it? I also wonder if anyone’s done the cross here, either way.
The hybrid is quite large, around 50 cm tall and wide, quite white frosted all over, semi-bulbous, with graceful arching leaves and an interesting inflorescence, both in the bract arrangement and colour. The flowers are a very pale purple as you’d expect from the cross. I wouldn’t call it caulescent though, unlike albida."
Chris Larson ... "As with most of the RFI crosses this one is grex-named. I have about 3 clones of it which I've kept. All nice plants. I don't have photos handy but one clone is similar to the one in your photo."
Ron Jell ... "Without success I have been searching through my records of photos trying to find one that I took when both of my Tillandsia Saint Eulogius flowered, which was a couple of months ago, so maybe I did't take a photo at all, I only thought I did. ( age related problem.) I bought both plants from Peter at the April 2016 Tillandsia Day in Brisbane and I have just taken this photo today to show what they currently look like.
As you can see from the photo there is quite a difference in growth. The plant on the left of the photo is now 30cm. in length and has produced three pups, soon to be removed, while the one on the right which only grew to about half that size has had two pups, one of these I have already taken off."
Peter Tristram ... "Ron; They sure bloomed early. I had to wait years. I checked and have another, more elongated clone on a bench that I bloomed a couple of years ago so one will be from it. The others are hanging by wire. You seem to be getting fast growth up in warmer winter climes."
Updated 26/06/17