Tillandsia Rosy Gem Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Tillandsia Rosy Gem neglecta ‘red form’ x stricta. Seed sown June 2001. Breeder Barry Genn, Qld, Australia.
"Derek Butcher(SA) flowered and registered this plant, it flowered at 10cm high including a 3cm long inflorescence, and the plant was 13 cm wide.
In wetter and warmer conditions it will grow larger. Reg Doc 10/2012"
Photo Derek Butcher 09/12.
Peter Coyle 02/17
Geoff Lawn ... "Peter Coyle's plant has quite dark leaves thanks to Auckland's climate--where they tolerate more sun in lower Summer temps without burning or bleaching."
Chris Larson 05/18 Left:Rosy Gem Right:Holm's Rose
Dale Dixon 08/20
Pam Butler 08/20
Chris Larson ... "Left: T.Rosy Gem (was mislabelled as Barry's Gem)– ex Barry Genn. Right: T.Holm’s Rose. There’s a little difference in the feel of the foliage, and a little in flower colour and shape." John Olsen ... "The leaves on my Holms Rose are more secund than Rosy Gem showing the carminea influence. Inflorescence similar."