Tillandsia Redkanga
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Tillandsia Redkanga
Mature large rosette to 60cm. diameter. Arching, long, narrow, grey-green scurfed leaves tapering to a point and flushed frosty pink / brick red in strong light. Short, compact, semi-recessed, branched inflorescence of scurfed pink bracts and mauve flowers tipped white. Imported in 2015 by Queensland grower Bob Hudson from Russell's Bromeliads, Florida. Origin, breeder and exact parentage are unrecorded but the cultivar suggests T. capitata and fasciculata are possible parents.
capitata ? x fasciculata ?
John Olsen 10/20 ex. Bob Hudson
John Olsen 11/20
Bruce Dunstan 12/20 ex. Bob Hudson (camera failed to get true red)
Pam Butler 01/21
Pam Butler ... "First flowering of this plant from Bob Hudson which I bought as T. capitata hybrid."
Bob Hudson ... "Pam: When I imported this one it was just as you said, I thought it needed a good OZZIE name hence T. Redkanga, I do like the red color."

Updated 24/01/21