Tillandsia Red Cat
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Tillandsia Red Cat
Same parentage as 'Tina Parr' but seems to show more ionantha characteristics.
Mature, upright, small rosette to 10cm. diameter x 15cm. high in spike. Many flared, stiff, narrow, grey-green, heavily scurfed leaves, tapering to a point. In bloom, the upper foliage turns pinkish red and the central inflorescence has exserted, tubular purple flowers. Occasionally a side inflorescence may form between the leaf axils. Ionantha Group. See also T. 'Fat Chance', 'Glenorchy'. 'John's Clone', 'Peewee'.
ionantha X seleriana by Neville Ryan, Qld, 1996.
Bruce Dunstan 11/20 as ionantha X seleriana
Bruce Dunstan ... "First flowering of this hybrid created by Neville Ryan, via Bob Hudson."
Rob Bower ... "Its quite different from 'Tina Parr' – different varieties of ionantha and seleriana I guess."
Pam Butler ... "I have quite a few different forms from different people. Bruce's plant seems larger but that is probably due to his fertilizer."
Rob Bower 11/20 'Tina Parr'
Rob Bower ... "Here's my version of 'Tina Parr' and in this flowering you can see the seleriana influence but in earlier flowering the inflorescence didn't protrude so much"
Chris Larson ... "I have imported T. Tina Parr twice from RFI, once in the early 90's & again in 2006. I think that the second import is probably a remake - and it never reaches the size of the first.
Neither of these imports look like Neville Ryan's cross.
Both look like 'Tina Parr' as shown on the BCR. Mine can be a little more secund than the BCR photos, but none have the branched infloresence or exserted flower bracts - no matter the condition I grow them under."

Updated 04/12/20