Tillandsia Purple Devil
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Tillandsia Purple Devil
From BCR ... "Mature, open rosette to 35cm. diameter x 20cm. high. Plant base to inflorescence tip is 30cm. high. Thick, recurving, semi-channeled, grey-green, heavily-scurfed, leaves with characteristic dark purple reverse. Erect, broad, spear-shaped paddle of powdery pale pink scape bracts and tubular dark violet flowers. Imported into Australia from Europe approx 2012 by Chris Larson, Vic.
Seed Parent T. chiapensis."
Chris Larson 05/15
Peter Tristram 01/22 as "chiapensis-Red LH"
Adam Bodzioch 04/22
Chris Larson 05/15 ... "Just flowering a couple of Pam's chiapensis. A beautiful species. The normal version is Pam's T.046. Just recently potted up - possibly 6 months ago – after sitting around mounted since 2008, when it didn't grow as quickly as when I potted it.
The chunky one is Pam's T. chiapensis 'Giant form T.580'. Imported in 2012 & only recently recovered and putting on growth. This is a very beautiful form with purplish undersides to the leaves in the middle of the plant. The leaves are very thick and this is a very different clone to the one usually seen. I’m not sure if it is supposed to grow larger, ie becoming the "Giant form", or not – or if that just refers to the leaves. A choice clone of a choice species."
Chris Larson 01/22 ... "Not sure I have posted photos of the plant in flower here yet.
I have just sent the rego to the BCR for this one - just awaiting Geoff's approval. As per Bruce's suggestion it has been registered as T. chiapensis 'Purple Devil'. I must pot one of the babies to see what it does."
Peter Tristram ... "I now have accurate collection data on this great species, which I have passed on to Chris too. It was collected along the Rio Grijalva many moons ago before the canyon areas in Chiapas were flooded. Lieselotte Hromadnik, the collector, thinks it deserves species or varietal status as its habitat is far from that of the described chiapensis. It certainly is different. More on this soon. She is so happy that we have bloomed it.
Obtained from Lieselotte (Lotte) Hromadnik as T. chiapensis "red" now registered as 'Purple Devil', though is it really purple? I imagine those leaves will go quite red under harder conditions, for sure. Names, names, maybe it’ll get a scientific name one day."
Adam Bodzioch ... "Here is the plant blooming in Adelaide. Extra nice form but I should have given it more light when the spike was forming."
Peter Tristram ... "Great pics Adam. I am still trying to figure it all out, with Ross and Lesley's help since they have been to the area. I am not sure about the collection being pre-flooding though, but I also don't know how long the dams took to fill. I sent Lotte a questionnaire! Lol. Can you send me the spike when you are tired of looking at it, unless you are hybridising? Could you also take some more pics including closeups and send to me in high res?"
Chris Larson 05/22
Peter Tristram 01/23
Peter Tristram ... "It's been a while since I've bloomed (no flowers though on these yet) this beauty from Lotte. Bruce is lucky to have a compound spike whereas my two are singles. They haven't had a feed for about 9 months so that might be the reason. I haven't heard an update from Lotte about the taxonomic status of this plant but a spike will head to Europe. In the meantime Purple Devil / Morado Diablo it stays. Lotte tells me the plants grew where the dam wall is now located in the Sumidero Canyon. I know Kate and Barry, Ross and Lesley and I'm sure a few more Nutters saw the more typical chiapensis in the area, which would be stunning to see, as posted pics showed. How far from the dam wall area were they, lucky folk?"
Bruce Dunstan 01/23
Bruce Dunstan ... "'Purple Devil' or 'Morodo Diablo' for Spanish speakers. First flowering for me of this plant. No doubt the potting and nutrition helped produce the branched inflo."
Bob Hudsonn ... "Well done, the T. chiapensis shines out."
Bruce Dunstan ... "Yes Barry Landau, it's related to chiapensis from a dryer region. It's habitat has been used for a hydroelectric dam. May be described one day in the future."

*Peter Tristram 07/23 ... "There is a pending description, which I had previously hinted could be a possibility, for the very ornamental 'Purple Devil'. It is proposed to be named T. chicoasena, after where it was 'gathered'. It is clearly closely related to the chiapensis from further along the canyon though its type locality is now flooded, and/or under the dam wall. In due time it should appear in the BSD.
The accompanying article makes for interesting reading and all will be revealed in Die Bromelie soon. It's really more red than purple, almost Marron (not the lobster!)."

Updated 29/07/23