Tillandsia Pink Delight
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Tillandsia Pink Delight
Cultivar of ionantha from Pam Butler, Qld.
From BCR ... "Mature, small rosette to 5cm. diameter x 6cm. high. Flaring, open, pastel pink leaves with tubular white flowers. The registrant acquired this cultivar as a seedling many years ago but it's now an established clump and distributed to other Queensland growers .Possibly linked to T. 'Pink Champagne'. Origin and breeder are unknown."
Pam Butler 09/19(Left=Delight, right=Champagne)
Pam Butler 10/20
Pam Butler 09/19 ... "The photo on the left is a seedling, (not a pup or a sport), that is very pink compared to the Pink Delight that are beside it. My question is, is it worth a cultivar name?" Derek Butcher ... "Do we know what other plants there are that are siblings of your plant? The person growing the seed should know. If you are growing the sole survivor then you can start taking offsets. When you have say 6 offsets and you consider them to be distinct from other ionantha cultivars then you can register a new name. In other words you don't move on a single plant." Pam Butler ... "I have been growing this for a long time (nearly killed it years ago). I acquired it as a seedling and don't remember where it came from. I currently have 7 plants." Derek Butcher ... "You are halfway there with 7 separate offsets and if you gave one to Bob you could truly say it is in cultivation. There is also a great chance that 'Pink Delight' is mother. So if you want to register, go ahead because it is genetically different." Pam Butler ... "Thanks, I will. Any suggestions? I am thinking 'Pink Delight'."