Tillandsia Lemon Drop
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Tillandsia Lemon Drop
From BCR ... "Mature rosette to 15cm. diameter. Stiff, channeled, scurfed silvery grey curved leaves. Drooping short spike of cream/pink bracts and lemon flowers. Acquired as a seedling by the registrant from Rolly Reilly about 20 years ago. Reg. Doc. 1/2017 by Neville Ryan. Country of origin: Queensland Australia circa 1995"
hybrid of ixioides? x ?, Rolly Reilly.
Ron Jell ... "This is my first flowering of the Tillandsia that I bought as 'Lemon Drop' and as I thought it was quite attractive I decided to share it. However, when I checked the BCR I could not find it.
I am sure that I have previously heard of this plant mentioned at BSQ meetings and I think that it may be in a number of collections. I do not know if this plant has been discussed here previously and maybe I am just covering old ground but, if not, do you think it should be registered?"
Derek Butcher ... "Have a look at 'Poor Ixy' and the story behind it. Note that the photo shows how it grows in Adelaide!"
Neville Ryan ... "T. Lemon Drop is a seedling that came from Rolly Reilly. It was in a collection that I purchased from Rolly about 20 years ago. I would say it has T. ixioides as part of the cross other than that I do not know. The original seedling took a long time to flower and it doesn't make a lot of offsets, when it did flower I called it 'Lemon Drop'."
Pam Butler 01/21 |
John Olsen 09/21 |
Ron Jell 09/22 |
Updated 31/10/22