Tillandsia Huamelula
Now known as T. ionantha v. maxima

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Tillandsia Huamelula
Now known as ionantha v. maxima

Also sold in plastic packs as T. ionantha Mexico.
From BCR - "cv. of ionantha - Koide said, "Recently brought into cultivation from Mexico <1993. Grows on lava rocks on the west coast of Oaxaca near sea level and is very large in comparison to the regular species. A single specimen can be 3-4" in diameter and 4-6" tall, beautiful green leaves in a symmetrical rosette, turns a vivid pink-orange color at anthesis, and produces large purple flowers". Now known as ionantha v. maxima"

Chris Larson 01/22 from Derek Butcher's disk.
These photos from Chris Larson following a discussion about a new registry, T. 'Wild Thing'

Ray Clark ... "This new one ('Wild Thing') reminds me of ionantha Huamelula particularly in the growth habit."
Chris Larson ... "Ray Clark: T. ionantha Huamelula is now T. ionantha var maxima. Many plants in Australia are misnamed.
Some of the plants supplied by my boss were sold under the name T. ionantha Huamilula or some other spelling. That is the plant that we now sell in plastic packs as T. ionantha Mexico. It is a furry one."
Ray Clark ... "Chris, interestingly, mine came from Derek Butcher who got it from Peter Tristram. My spelling is as per label and clearly not spell checked!"
Chris Larson ... "ionantha var maxima (T. Huamelula) should look like the images above.
This is the form from Huamelula. I remember Wayne Schuster saying that Huamelula was the most mis-spelt name in bromeliads.
These photos are courtesy of Derek's disc. We need to update Bromeliads in Australia - they don't have a photo.
Note the true plant from Huamelula does not have pronounced trichomes."

Ed: ... "See also many pictures and notes about 'Huamelula' scattered among discussions on T. ionantha page."

Updated 17/01/22