Tillandsia Holm's Verlescens Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Tillandsia Holm's Verlescens vernicosa x caulescens, B.Holm ~1987
From BCR ... "Mature open lax rosette to 35cm. diameter x 20cm. high. Many scurfed, narrow, splayed, grey-green leaves, tapering to a point. Erect or leaning, narrowly-ovoid inflorescence of pointed vermillion red floral bracts and recurved white petals. A reverse cross by the breeder (T. caulescens x vernicosa) is identical and shares the same cultivar name. Registered 11/2017 By Tanja Richter, Germany."
Peter Tristram 11/17 as caulescens x vernicosa
Peter Tristram ... "Here’s another nice Holm hybrid that appears to have escaped rego. The plant is larger than caulescens indicating a large form of vernicosa used. Geoff, I’ll send these pics to Tanja and remind her of the other one recently posted by Chris."