Tillandsia Holm's Rose
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Tillandsia Holm's Rose
carminea x neglecta
From BCR ... "Mature rosette to 15cms. diameter. Scurfed, silvery grey-green, chanelled , recurving leaves. Arching, short, compact spike of shell pink bracts (grown under plastic) or rose pink peduncle bracts (shadehouse-grown) and purple flowers. Reg. Doc.8/2015. Country of origin: Germany"
Peter Tristram 08/15
Chris Larson 05/18 Left:Rosy Gem Right:Holm's Rose
Pam Butler 08/18 as polzii x carminea

Peter Tristram 08/15 ... "this is a photo I took about 4 years ago. The plant was grown under plastic so the bracts lack the intense colour of John’s plant on the BCR."
Chris Larson ... "Left: T.Rosy Gem (was mislabelled as Barry's Gen)– ex Barry Genn. Right: T.Holm’s Rose. There’s a little difference in the feel of the foliage, and a little in flower colour and shape."
John Olsen ... "The leaves on my Holms Rose are more secund than Rosy Gem showing the carminea influence. Inflorescence similar."
Eric Gouda ... "Interesting Chris. You can see the influence of T. neglecta which do have more spreading indument toward the base of the leaves, which is clearly seen in your plants. And T. carminea is nothing more than a form of T. stricta."

Peter Tristram 08/18 ... "Pam. It looks like Holm’s Rose, neglecta x carminea. It’s a very attractive hybrid too! I might have mislabelled it in the past before it was named or I might have had more than one label before sorting it out. I don’t think there are any registered polzii hybrids, but there are some bella ones - aeranthos group species."
Dale Dixon 07/21

Updated 02/08/21