Tillandsia Dagger
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Tillandsia Dagger
chiapensis x tricolor, Pamela Koide Hyatt
From BCR ... "Mature rosette to 20cms. diameter x 32cms. tall with inflorescence. Silvery, thick narrow leaves densely scaled and sheaths light brown. Erect, single-branched (occasionally double) spike of pale pink scape bracts at the base, merging to pale yellow at the top. Violet flowers with apex of floral bracts densely lepidote, otherwise smooth and nerved. California USA.
Bruce Dunstan ... "I'm assuming this is T. Dagger. I received it with the formula chiapensis X tricolor on the label originally from Pam. Looking on the BCR it looks closer to Dagger than Bayonet, the reverse cross. I think the multiple paddles can be explained by high nutrient levels. Any thoughts would be appreciated. The scurfing on the bracts make it a difficult plant to photograph."
Pamela Koide Hyatt ... "Yes that looks like T. Dagger. Most of the them are single spiked, but I have bloomed a few with multiple branches like yours."
Updated 30/09/17