Tillandsia Carmen Gem
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Tillandsia Carmen Gem
carminea x recurvifolia var. subsecundifolia, Barry Genn 1997.
From BCR ... "Mature rosette to18cm. diameter x 15 cm. high, simple inflorescence 6 cm long. Thick, curving, channelled grey-green leaves heavily silver trichome-coated. Arching simple inflorescence to 10cm. long of carmine pink scape bracts sprinkled with white trichomes and lilac flowers. Reg.Doc. 10/2015 by M. Butcher. Origin: Queensland"
Derek Butcher 10/15 |
Peter Tristram 08/19 |
John Olsen 08/19 |
Pam Butler 09/20 |
Dale Dixon 08/21 |
Dale Dixon ... "Another beautiful cultivar created by Barry Genn of Brisbane.
This cultivar will look absolutely spectacular as it increases in size and more inflorescences are produced. The flowers are a delicate lilac colour, but it is the silver frosted rose coloured floral bracts that are a standout.
My plants are suspended on aluminium craft wire and get full sun exposure in the southwest corner of the TillHouse."
Updated 29/08/21