Tillandsia Aristocrat
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Tillandsia Aristocrat
ionantha x bourgaei by John Arden 1979
From BCR... "Mature, open rosette to 30cm.diameter. In lower light, many thin, arching, dark green leaves, tapering to a point. Semi-recessed inflorescence has compact pointed branches with cerise pink bracts, mauve flowers and surrounding leaves blush dusky pink. In stronger light, foliage may be scurfed bronzed green / tanned pink. Reg. Doc. 10/2000. Country of origin: California USA'"
Bruce Dunstan 01/20

Bruce Dunstan ... "This plant was gifted to me by Bob Hudson 4 years ago. I started with it planted but its stem rotted and now resides in an empty pot quite happily in a very airy spot as I water heavily regularly. Looks to be a branched inflorescence developing. I’ll post more image on flowering. Thanks for your generosity Bob."
Bob Hudson ... "I am so happy I gave it to you as I think it is the only one in Australia ! A great plant Hybridized by a great man in John Arden. It looks great keep up the great work."

Bruce Dunstan 06/20. First flowering. >30cm across.

Tillandsia ‘Aristocrat’ in J Brom Soc 50(2): 96. 2000
A Journal First. Tillandsia 'Aristocrat', a John Arden Hybrid, is a cross between Tillandsia ionantha and Tillandsia bourgaei. The cross was made in February-March 1979 and produced its first inflorescence in 1997 - almost 18 years later!
The plant is unique in its unusual parentage and also has the distinction of being the subject of the first photographic image transmitted to the Journal electronically. George Allardia forwarded the image and several more of John Arden's hybrids in February 1998. Not only did the plant take a long time to come into bloom, it has also taken a long time to make its appearance in the Journal's pages.

Updated 23/06/20