Puya lokischmidtiae
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Puya lokischmidtiae
Mitch Jones 09/24
2004 die bromelie 10
Mitch Jones ... "from wild collected seed in Bolivia/Chuquisaca/Hernando Siles/La Heredia, starting to spike."
Mitch Jones 8/10/24
Mitch Jones 19/10/24

Puya lokischmidtiae R. Vasquez & P. L. Ibisch, Die Brom. 1:9-12. 2004
A specibus similaribus ut pote Puya trollii et Puya entre-riosensis spinis laminarum foliorum longioribus atrisque, floribus nutantis, sepalis longioribus et petalis longioribus recedit.

Type: BOLIVIA: TARIJA: Prov. O'Connor: between Chiquiaca and Entre Rios, 1650 m, 21deg 39'S, 64deg 07'W terrestrial in the area of the Tucuman-Bolivian forest-area, 19. May 2001, (flowering on the 7.4.2003 in the FAN Living Collection in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, R. Vasquez, D. Ric, G. Salinas, M. Zamora & E. Garay 4066, (HOLOTYPE: LPB; ISOTYPE: USZ, VASQ).

Plant short stemmed, flowering to > 150 cm high. Leaves in a dense, more or less extended rosette, to 55 cm long.
Sheath ca. 5 cm long, brownish.
Blade narrowly triangular, bent, attenuate-acuminate, to 50 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, top side glabrous, darkl-olive green, underneath greyish green with linear arranged white scales;
leaf-edge with spines, black, antrorse, 5 mm long.
Scape easily bent, to 50 cm long, 2 cm wide, crimson, glabrous, because of an epicuticular wax it has a shiny white haze.
Scape bracts longer than the internodes, similar to the foliage-leaves, bent, to 28 cm long, at the base 1.3 cm wide, long acuminate, glabrous, the edge toothed with short antrorse spines.
Inflorescence laxly bipinnate, bent back - erect, to 1.50 m long, the axis purple-red, glabrous, because of an epicuticular wax it has a shiny white haze.
Primary bracts attenuate-lanceolate, acuminate, 25 mm to l-2 cm long in the upper part, shorter than the sterile base of the stipe, 4-12 mm wide, glabrous.
Branches to 24, sticking out, bent, glabrous, covered by epicuticular wax, 22-48 cm long, distal with sterile as well as abortive flowers.
Floral bracts 4-9 mm long, 3 mm wide, usually very much shorter than the pedicels (1/3-1/4), lanceolate, entire, reddish, adaxial with white trichomes.
Flowers in two alternating rows, hanging, after anthesis parallel to the branch, pointing in direction of the inflorescence axis.
Pedicel pink, 2 cm long, bent after the flower.
Sepals light green with bright violet edge, triangular, attenuate, slightly asymmetric, 20 mm long, 8 mm wide, glabrous, acuminate.
Petals greenish with dark violet edge, oval, narrowing at the base, the tip truncate-mucronate, to 35 mm long, to 20 mm wide afterwards the flower twists.
Stamens exceeding the petals, to 4 cm long, whitish violet, anthers 5 mm long, pollen orange. Ovary 5 mm long, subconic, greenish; Stigma dark-violet.

Etymology: this new type is dedicated to Mrs. Prof. Dr. Hannelore "Loki" Schmidt on her 85th birthday. Loki Schmidt is one of the honorary German Naturalists. A bromeliad, which she discovered, has been named after her: the Mexican Pitcairnia lokischmidtiae. In Bolivia, she had the opportunity in 1979, to see Puya raimondii and to marvel.

Remarks: the new type links to the large representatives of Puya in South Bolivia and Argentina with lax inflorescences. It differs from Puya entre-riosensis, (also Dpt. Tarija), by its size (2 vs. 1 m), the width of the leaf blade (3 cm vs. 1 cm), longer and black spines on the leaf edge (5 mm vs. 1 mm), not red-brown, a more greater scape thickness (20 mm vs. 6-7 mm), the long inflorescence (1.50 m vs. 50 cm), the position of the flowers (hanging vs. erect), the bigger long the basal primary bracts (25 cm vs. 4 cm), the form of the floral bracts (lanceolate vs. oval), larger sepals (20 x 8 mm vs. 10 x 2 mm), and longer petals (35 vs 15 mm).
From P. trollii (Dpt. Potosi) it differs by the attenuate-lanceolate primary bracts (vs. broadly egg shaped), flowers hanging (vs hanging and erect), triangular longer sepals (20 mm vs. 15 mm long and elliptic rounded), and longer petals (to 35 mm long vs. 30 mm). It differs also from further similar types like P. micrantha or P. hofstenii.

Updated 19/10/24