Ochagavia litoralis Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Ochagavia litoralis
Sold in Sydney as Ochagavia carnea, but the leaf sheath are only 19cm in this specimen. Please refer to the "Uncle Derek Says" comments for this species on fcbs website. There is evidently a great deal of confusion between these two, and Fascicularia which can also be very similar.
The species are differentiated largely by flower detail, but also by length of leaf sheath. carnea is described as 50 to 80cm, litoralis as 15-40cm long.
Any confusion may be sorted out if the plants ever flower, but this is also unlikely since they seem to need a cold winter (colder than Sydney) to flower, if at all.
If anyone has photographs or further details, please contact this webmaster, meanwhile these photos are offered here as Ochagavia litoralis.
Ian Hook, Sydney 02/07.
Ian Hook, Sydney 02/07.
Robyn Firth. Sydney 03/11. Bought from Chris Larson 10/08.
Ian Hook, Sydney 07/08, from Sharon Song.
Barry Langridge 04/10. Bought as carnea. Leaves are approx 1.2cm across at mid point, and around 25cm long not including sheath, dense pale lepidote on the abaxial surface. After some reading I would think this plant is closer to O. litoralis.