Neoregelia pauciflora Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Neoregelia pauciflora
Ian Hook 05/03, BSA sales 05/03.
Ian Hook 05/06.
Ian Hook 05/06, BSA Show entry.
Richard Harper, The Brom Place.
Terry Davis, BSA Spring Show '09.
Neoregelia pauciflora L. B. Smith, Smithson. Misc. Collect. 126: 31, 155, fig. 65. 1955.
A N. zonata L. B. Smith, cui affinis, foliorum vaginis intus atro-purpureis, laminis brevibus supra regulariter transverseque albido lineatis, bracteis florigeris brevissimis differt.
Desc from S&D Stolons elongate, slender, horizontal. Leaves about 12, 15cm long, minutely and sparsely lepidote on both sides; Sheaths elliptic, as long as or longer than the blades, dark purple above; Blades broadly ligulate, rounded and apiculate, 35mm wide, laxly serrulate with dark teeth 1mm long, marked above with fine regular white cross-lines. Scape very short. Inflorescence fusiform, few-flowered, less than 2cm in diameter. Floral bracts shorter than the pedicels, ovate, acute, membranaceolls; Pedicels slender, 25mm long. Sepals slightly asymmetric, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, 20mm long, connate for 1mm; Petals 35 mm long, white; Ovary slenderly ellipsoid, 7mm long.
Type. Foster 265 (holotype GH), Santa Teresa, 765m alt, Espirito Santo, Brazil, 26 Jul 1939.
Distribution. Known from the type collection only.