Neoregelia Speed Boat To Hollywood
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Neoregelia Speed Boat To Hollywood
'Hacksaw' x 'Pabst' by Peter Tristram
Not registered.
Mark Belot 01/25
Mark Belot 01/25, a Novar pup
Mark Belot ... "The first 2 pics are of Neo. 'Speed Boat To Hollywood', a cross by Peter Tristram & the variegated seedling grown & named by Ray Henderson.
The 3rd & 4th pics are of a novar pup from the variegated mother plant.
The novar plant grew to only about half the size of the variegated mother.
I know some people think novar bromeliads should be discarded because they are defective & not the same as the mother plant but I think this one deserves to live."

Updated 14/01/25