Neoregelia Rosy Morn
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Neoregelia Rosy Morn
cv. of unknown parentage.
Often still in collections as N. morrisioniana or morrisoniana or Morrisoniana and of variable appearance.
See notes below.
Rob Smythe 10/11. "The large, colourful, white flowered clone I use for hybridising."
Ian Hook, Sydney, 01/08.
Ian Hook, Sydney, 05/08.

Previously (incorrectly) listed here as species Neoregelia morrisioniana
There is no such registered species!

Ian Hook, Sydney 03/07. From estate of Gordon Ramsey.
Neoregelia ‘Rosy Morn’
From Bromeletter (4) 1993 by Butcher

Neoregelia X Morrisoniana is a hybrid that Mulford Foster did in 1955 between N. farinosa and N. carolinae. However, there is a plant being grown in Australia, particularly in the Gosford area and all points north, under this name which bears no relationship to photographs of N. X Morrisoniana. Apparently it came into being via a seed raising project by Amazon Nursery. It is a large plant which remains totally red in good light and makes an excellent landscape subject.
If the seed was from N. X Morrisoniana, then we are talking about an F2 generation, and the plant needs a different name. It is such a good plant and common that it deserves a name of its own, and what better than N. 'Rosy Morn'?

From Bromeletter (5) 1993 by M McNamara
Neoregelia X Morrisoniana ? We on the Central Coast all know this plant Derek commented on. I viewed N. ‘Morrisoniana’ at a grower’s home in Florida, while on a Conference garden tour in 1988. I came to the quick conclusion that the Central Coast's plant, named as such, was wrong. This central Coast Neo has been successful in winning a Champion or Grand ribbon in the Royal Easter Show Bromeliad section and rightfully so. The only Neo hybrid which is perhaps a little better than it is one by Bud Dole, Texas (where else?). His plant is 'Passionate' x 'Eleganza Aristocrat’. It has the same pretty pink/red glow and is superb!
I too, have one of those Amazon Boys' hybrids that Derek refers to. I call it Neoregelia 'Spotty' from Amazon nursery. The pups have measled spots on the backs of the leaves but as each plant grows the spots dissipate. The leaves change to a creamy pink with a distinct pink fingernail - not nearly as lovely as the “Champion”. It grows into a big cerise red centre and is also an eye opener. A collector in Sydney has a similar plant which she, too, bought 10 years ago from Amazon nursery. Our friend, the Central Coast Amazonian, also has a fine clone and he gave me a pup of his in exchange of a gold coin (for charity). So, do we call all of these Amazon nursery seed Neoregelias ‘Rosy Morn’ ? Difficult isn't it!

From Bromeletter (6). 1993 by Butcher
Neoregelia ‘Rosy Morn’. I must have spoken to the wrong people in Brisbane and all places South regarding this plant. It is great getting more information. Bill Morris and Peter Franklin suggested strong links with N. cruenta and when Elton Leme showed slides of the many sorts of N. cruenta including the red form, I shared these views too.
Clearly the seed was sent to the Amazon Boys under the incorrect name of N. ‘Morrisoniana' and there does appear to be some variation in the progeny as could be expected. The ones we saw at Ern Bailey's were destined for New Zealand and I hope the "Kiwis" get a chance to read these comments. It was only after the Brisbane Conference that Margaret decided to get a "true" N. 'Rosy Morn' (alias X Morrisoniana ) from Olive Trevor and this spotted offset arrived. We were assured that the spots disappear and if Olive and now Marj. are right, then it will do so. Unless we can adequately distinguish some of these clones then N. 'Rosy Morn' as the grex name should suffice.

Some extra notes, 29/03/10
Ian et al. N. morrisoniana was named by Foster in 1955 but even then the convention was for anglicised names for man made hybrids but Foster did his own thing! According to records he only released two cultivars which were selected from this morrisoniana grex. These were called Neo. 'Margaret' and Neo. 'George' NOBODY knows if these cultivars survived but the name morrisoniana persists and just because it is latinised, people consider it a species. This is why the name still occurs on the BSI seedlists despite me jumping up and down! In the last 55 years we have seen morrisoniana seedlings called morrisoniana and their seedlings called morrisoniana ad nauseum. So what is on offer these days as morrisoniana on the BSI seedlists is anyones guess!

Updated 22/11/11