Neoregelia Perfection Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Neoregelia Perfection
cv of Fosperior. M.Foster.
Fosperior is a cv of fosteriana(?) x spectabilis(?) by M.Foster. Other variants including Dexters Pride, Morris Henry Hobbs, Fosters Giant Red.
Photos 3 and 4 have been distributed in Sydney as "Fosperior Perfecta" or "Fosperior Perfection".
Birgit Rhode, at Bromeliads XIII.
Ian Hook, 12/04, BSA comp.
Ken Woods 05/07.
Ian Hook, 08/07, from Alan Beard.
David Scott 09/11. photo Terry Davis. BSA Show 09/11. 3rd, Class 12. As N.'Fosperior Imperfecta'