Neoregelia Camelot Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Neoregelia Camelot
cv. of 'Avalon' x concentrica. Hybrid by Coolbaugh imported to Australia. Named/registered by Margaret Butcher.
Steven Jones, grown cold in Ballarat, Victoria.
Richard Harper, Central Coast NSW.
Kerry McNicol 12/24. mini labelled "NZ hybrid"* NOT Camelot.
Kerry McNicol ... "I have had this plant for over 20years. I got it from the now defunct NSW Society show in 2002 (I didn't know enough then to write down who I purchased it from!). The name on it was simply . . "NZ Hybrid". It is a mini, 20cm across, 10cm high. This post was triggered by someone who thought it might be Camelot (very similar markings but definitely not). I had always thought I would one day come across a name. Hopefully this is the day. It is easy to grow, loves morning sun, but will grow just about anywhere. Perhaps one of the older growers may know if it has been registered or named. I am posting this in N.Z. for no other reason than the name I have on it(12/24). Fingers crossed someone knows it. Still a very pretty plant without a proper name!" Ian Hook ... "I have sold several of these as 'Camelot'. I won it in a BSA raffle in 09/2012, so someone else in our clun must have it under that name. I checked on BCR and yep, picture looks correct. BUT... I didn't consider the size! Both parents are medium to large, this one is definitely 1/2 the size of parents. Kerry also has a "true" Camelot which is the same size as both parents i.e. about double this plant. This "NZ hybrid" also tends to only have large distinct bands of just green or just brown, the true Camelot seems to have multiple patchy bands of brown."