Neoregelia Blood Plum Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window.
Neoregelia Blood Plum
cv. of {carolinae x concentrica) x olens} x olens by C.Skotak.
Photo Richard Harper.
Ross Little, Wardell NSW, 11/09. (With 8 petals!)
Above submitted to 'Tillnuts' group by Ross Little as an example of "oddities" among Bromeliads.
Comment from Peter Tristram . . "Many of the variegated Skotaks I have imported over the years, like Blood Plum, can produce more than 3 petalled flowers, often in ranks like this one. No doubt many others show this abberation too. These plants are all over the world. Ross’s good image shows 7 and 8 petalled flowers very well and would bring this phenomenon to all who read the revered BSI. Some suitable botanical info could accompany it! Maybe Mark could take a macro of his bi-petalled crocata and it could be included also.