x Neomea Munchkin
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x Neomea Munchkin
Intergeneric Neoregelia Fireball x Aechmea recurvata v. benrathii
by Lisa Vinzant. "Flowering to 12cm x 12cm wide"
Ian Hook 08/07 from The Olive Branch as Ae. recurvata x N. Fireball. (formerly on 'Shooting Star' page.)
NOTE: This label appears to be in error. A second (identical) plant from same source a few years later was labelled Neomea Shooting Star, which seems to agree with fcbs. CORRECTION: When fully grown in bright light, the two plants proved different. Those at top of this page stay small, many recurved leaves with abrupt point. These now labelled 'Munchkin'.
However in Sydney these grow from 14 to 20cm, probably due to different climate to Hawaii. IH/KMc.
Geoff Lawn quotes 'Shooting Star' as 60-70cm or half that in Adelaide, not fed.x Neomea Shooting Star
Ian Hook 10/05 from The Olive Branch as Fireball x recurvata
Ian Hook Sydney 02/23 fully grown
From Geoff Lawn:
Olive got her X Neomea 'Shooting Star' from me, which is largish to 60---70 cms. diameter if fed--mine are half this size. My photo on fcbs.org/ I took in 1986 at Bullis Nursery (Florida) from where I brought back only 1 of maybe 12 similar clones. The quoted parentage is known to be doubtful because the true Neo. johannis was poorly known back then--probably N. coriacea or a hybrid thereof was the pollen parent, the red-leaf form of which became 'Broadleaf Rubra'.
I would say your X Neomea 'Shooting Star' is correctly named and with more heat and light over Summer, watch the foliage change to purple on both the upper and lower leaf blades--it does here at least, under 70% beige shadecloth in a hanging basket. 'Shooting Star' has links with 'Peter Kearney' and 'Dennis' , possibly all 3 of which are by the elusive Florida breeder Dennis Bryant.
Neomea Munchkin
Ian Hook 02/23, pups from plant at top of page
Ian Hook notes sorting xNeomea 'Shooting Star', 'Peter Kearney', 'Munchkin' and Ae recurvata hybrid2
Aechmea recurvata Hybrid 2 02/05 from MH. Very open & purple/brown under leaf. Looks same as Ae recurvata Rubra? KW says recurvata x disticantha from his front garden accidental seed.
Aechmea recurvata Red Leaf Form BSA sales 04/04, from S.Brazil, bright light to full sun, large flower head, collected? by Ruby Ryde.
Aechmea recurvata Rubra BSA sales 07/04, from KW.
Aechmea recurvata Yellow/Orange 'Merrylands' 01/08 with KW to Marylands for "into nursing home" brom collection. Got "Ae recurvata hybrid Merrylands" pinkish/orange long leaves no soil
14/02/2023 Aechmea recurvata Hybrid 2 ~40x40cm leaves=long triangular(particularly outer ones) mostly all green (with discolour underside?), definitely narrower than big Shooting Star= photo1(both labelled hyb2). Photo 2 possible same but labelled Shooting Star, some leaf colour, some tips recurved - will leave as Shooting Star? Red leaf, Rubra & Merrylands = all dead ?
14/02/2023 put all as recurvata Hybrid 2 (some labelled with "Shooting Star?")
x Neomea Fireball x recurvata 10/05 BromXIII Conference. Pup off 01/06, 03/07. Looks lots like xNeomea Shooting Star
x Neomea Shooting Star 08/07 ABC show The Olive Branch. See also xNeomea Fireball x recurvata
Timothy Tse open day 23/8/08. Bought xNeomea Unknown63 - Shooting Star? Or Dennis, Magenta Star, Munchkin, Peter Kearney, Santa Marita? No-not shooting star but same as another unknown shooting star?
14/02/2023 Kerry has Munchkin from Qld show '07. But Lisa Vizant says 12cmx12cm. SOME of Kerry's can just be that small.
14/02/2023 Certainly many leaved, spiraling, abrupt & recurved end to narrow leaves with tip colour red/brown to sooty. Mine as Shooting Star ~16-18cm high/wide. Photo 3. To 24cm & green in shade. Red leaves starting from center? And speckled - photo4 Will relabel as Munchkin
24/09/2017 BSA Show. Meryl's left overs(she is moving out)-repotted 2x xNeomea from Ross Little=Shooting star type 2?
14/02/2023 Mine Shooting Star (as type 2, one mis-labelled? Peter Kearney?) photo5 & 6 (6 has Peter Kearney at top). Much wider leaf, less abrupt, less recurved. Red/brown especially leaf edges, underside redish & scurfy. 25hx35w. Some concentric banding?
14/02/2023 will label as Shooting Star but keep some with dark purple in leaves as "or Peter Kearney"
x Neomea Peter Kearney 09/17 x2 Meryl Thomas leftovers unlabelled. From Ross Little. Originally as Shooting Star type 2 but much broader leaves and larger. Possibly Peter Kearney?
14/02/2023 keep label, has more purplish shades & less scurfing. Photo 6(at top)&7