Information from S&D p852-4
Plant stemless, flowering to 35 cm high.
Leaves densely rosulate, 2 dm long, obscurely punctulate-lepidote;
Sheaths ovate;
Blades very narrowly triangular, 10-15 mm wide.
Scape erect, soon becoming lateral, slender, glabrous;
Scape-bracts imbricate, lance-elliptic, lepidote at apex.
InfIorescence simple, linear-oblong, much compressed, about 22-flowered, appearing lax by the spreading of the flowers, 13 cm long;
Rhachis straight, alate-angled.
Floral bracts ovate, acute, 17 mm long, equaling the sepals, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, carinate, striate, sparsely lepidote, soon glabrous;
Flowers sessile, spreading, 30 mm long.
Sepals lance-elliptic, equally short-connate, the posterior sharply carinate;
Petals white (or yellow ! Schipp), the blades ovate, reflexed;
Stamens deeply included, exceeding the style; filaments connate.
Capsule slenderly cylindric, 4-7 cm long.
Type. Linden Hortus s n (LG, GH photo), South America, cult. June 1874.
Distribution. Epiphytic in rainforest, from near sea level to 1200 m alt, Central America to Ecuador and northern Brazil.
GUATEMALA. ALTA VERAPAZ: Finca Tres Aguas, 16 Apr 1907, Goll 117 (US). IZABAL: Entre Rios, 30 Apr 1939, Standley 72747 (F); Rio Dulce, Livingston, 14 Apr 1940, Steyermark 39373 (F); Rio Dulce to Rio Tameja, 28 Dec 1941, Steyermark 42017 (F, GH). BRITISH HONDURAS. STANN CREEK DISTRICT: Middlesex, 26 Sep 1929, Schipp 390 (F, GH, MICH, MO); Stann Creek Valley, Antelope Ridge, Feb 1940, Gentle 3193 (GH, NY); Humming Bird Highway, 28 ju1 1954, Gentle 8262 (LL). TOLEDO DISTRICT: near Columbia, 28 Dec 1946, Gentle 6127 (LL); Feb 1948, Gentle 6407 (LL); 6425 (LL). HONDURAS. ATLANTIDA: Lancetilla Valley, Tela, 1927-28, Standley 53195 (F); 53386 (F, US); 53503 (F, US); 53959 (F); 54193 (F); 54811 (F, GH, US); 55625 (F); 1929, Chickering 99 (MICH); 124 (F, MICH); 24 jul 1934, Yuncker 5089 (F , MICH, MO). NICARAGUA. BLUEFIELDS: Rama, Rio Escondido, 9 Apr 1966, Proctor, Jones & Facey 27416 (NY, US). COSTA RICA. GUANACASTE: near Tilaran Jan 1926, Standley & Valerio 44783 (US); 45601 (US); 45611 (US); 45626 (US); 46031 (US); 46263 (US); El Arenal, Jan 1926, Standley & Valerio 45123 (US). LIMON: La Colombiana Farm, United Fruit Co., Mar 1924, Standley 36827 (US); 37310 (US); Rio Reventazon, Cairo, Feb 1926, Standley & Valerio 48946 (US); 48993 (US); Finca Castilla, Jul 1936, Dodge & Goerger 9269 (GH, MO); Guapiles, Rio Santa Clara, 12 Jul 1949,Holm & Iltis 427 (WIS, US). LIMON or CARTAGO (?): Baguar, 17 jun 1874, Kuntze 2009 (NY). CARTAGO: Pejivalle, Feb 1926, .Standley & Valerio 47236 (US); Las Concavas, Cartago, 17 Dec 1948, Foster 2700 (US). PANAMA. COCLE: El Valle de Anton, 5 jun 1939, Alston 8795 (BM); 12 Nov 1941 Allen 2782 (GH). CANAL ZONE: Gatun, 5 Feb 1911, Pittier 2658 (US); Barro Colorado Island, Nov 1925, Standley 41169 (US); 15 Aug 1927, Kenoyer 214 (US); 2 Nov 1931, Shattuck 552 (F); Quebrada Salamanca, 16 Dec 1934, Dodge, .Steyermark & Allen 17024 (GH, MO). PANAMA: upper Rio Pacora, 9 jun 1967, Burch 2285 (MO, US); Cerro Jefe, 17jan 1968, Duke &Dwyer 15062 (MO, US). DARIEN, Chepigana: Cana-Cuasi Trail, 13 Mar 1940, Terry 1546 (F). COLOMBIA. VALLE: Santa Rosa, Dagua Valley, 22 Sep 1922, Killip11532 (GH, NY, PH, US); Rio Cajambre, Pacific Coast, May 1944, Cuatrecasas 17465 (F, GH); Agua Clara, Buenaventura to Cali, 6 jun 1944, Killip & Cuatrecasas 38879 (COL, F, GH, US); Rio Raposo, 5 May 1966, Lee 243 (VALLE, US}. CAUCA: Timbiqui, Lehmann 8637 (F). NARINO: Gorgona Island, 11 Feb 1939, Killip & Garcia 33182 (COL, GH, US). VENEZUELA. DELTA AMACURO: San Victor, Rio Amacuro, 2 Nov 1960, Steyermark 87268 (NY, US, VEN); Rio Grande, El Palmar, 9 Feb 1964, .Steyermark 93126 (VEN). MIRANDA: Parque Nacional de Guatapo, Nov 1961, Steyermark90097 (VEN); 09149 (VEN). BOLIVAR: El Palmar, Rio Reforma to Puerto Rico, 11 Dec 1960, Steyermark 87893 (VEN); Miamo to Hato de Nuria, 16 Jan 1961, Steyermark 88532 (NY, US, VEN). TRINIDAD. Chaguaramas, 1868, Finlay s n (NY, TRIN); 1889, Broadway s n (TRIN); Arima, 1906, Dannouse s n (TRIN); Tamana Forests, 1915, Broadway s n (TRIN); 1944, Pittendrigh 1159 (US); 1208 (US); 1508 (TRIN); Tabaquite, 1921, Britton, Freeman & Nowel12574 (NY); 10 Aug 1954, Downs s n (TRIN, US); 6 Apr 1955, Aitken s n (TRIN, US); Cats Hill Reserve, Downs s n (TRIN, US); without exact locality, Fendler 828 (K). GUYANA. NORTHWEST DISTRICT: Short cut, Waini River, Jul 1906, Becket 8521 (BRG, NY, US); Mount Everard, 12 Feb 1922,Cruz 1301 ep (NY, US); AmakuraRiver, 8°10' N, 60° W, Mar 1923, Cruz 3562 (F, GH, MO, NY, US); Amakura and Yarikita River junction, Jan 1920, Hitchcock 17636 (GH). ESSEQUIBO: Moraballi Creek, Bartica, 21 Aug 1929, Sandwith 79 (NY). RUPUNUNI DISTRICT: Dadanawa, upper Rupununi River, 2°45' N, 16 Jun 1922, Cruz 1539 (GH, NY, US). SURINAME. Jagtlust Plantation, lower Suriname River, Splitgerber 408 (L); Paramaribo, Kegel 823 (GOET); Kabo Creek, Tibiti Savanna, Lanjouw & Lindeman 1929 (U); Nassau Range, Lanjouw & Lindeman 2182 (U); Jodensavanne to Mapane Creek, Suriname River, Lindeman 6806 (U, US); without exact locality, Wullschlaegel 1938 (GOET). FRENCH GUIANA. Karduany, 1855, Sagot 859 (P); Piste Sophie, Saul, 10 Sep 1962, Halli 815 (P, US); Riviere Camopi mouth, 3°10' N, 52°19' W, 29 Sep 1960, Westra 48518 (lNPA, MG, NY, US); without exact locality,Martin s n (BM); Perrottet s n (P); 1842, Melinon 134 (P). ECUADOR. ESMERALDAS: Timbre, 24 May 1955, Asplund 16455 (S, US, Z). MANABI (?): without exact locality, Eggers 15252 (K). GUAYAS: Las Americas to Palme, 28 Sep 1952, Fagerlind & Wibom 378 (S); Cerro Azul, Guayaquil to Salinas, 24 Jul 1962, Gilmartin 761 (US). Los Rios: Clementina, 30 Mar 1953, Fagerlind & Wibom 2645 (S). BOLIVAR (?): Puente de Chimbo, Lehmann 5303 (F). BRAZIL. RORAIMA: Serra da Lua, 2°25-29' N, 60°11-14' W, 24 Jan 1969, Prance et al 9457 (INP A, NY, US). AMAPA: Rio Oiapoque, 29 Jan 1950, Froes 25711 (IAN); Clevelandia, Rio Oiapoque, 7 Aug 1960, Irwin, Pires & Westra 47407 (NY); Pedra Alice, 3°40' N, 52°01 ' W, 18 Aug 1960, lrwin, Pires & Westra 47613 (NY); Rio Iaue, 2°53' N, 52°22' W, Aug 1960, Irwin & Westra 47756 (NY); Irwin, Pires & Westra 47838 (NY); Cachoeira das Guaribas, Rio Jari, 0°24' N, 53°07' W, 15 Aug 1961, Egler & Irwin 46418 (NY); Rio Falcina, Rio Araguari, 0°57' N, 51°29' W, 14 Sep 1961, Pires, Rodrigues & 1rvine 50936 (NY); Campo 12, Rio Araguari, 1°11 ' N, 52°08' W, 29 Sep 1961, Pires et al51327 (NY). PARA: Santa Isabel, Belem to Braganca, 1 Sep 1908, MG staff s n (MG).
From Gouda in Flora of the Guianas 1987
15. Tillandsia monadelpha (E. Morren) Baker, London, J. Bot. 25: 281. 1887. - Phytarrhiza monadelpha E. Morren, Belg. Hortic. 32; 168, pl. 7. 1882. Type: from South America, cult. in Linden Hortus s. n. (LG, GH photo).
Tillandsia graminifolia Baker, London J. Bot. 25: 281. 1887. Lectotype: French Guiana, Cayenne, Martin s. n. (BM).
Catopsis (Andrea) alba E. Morren nomen in synon. ex Baker, Handb. Bromel. 192. 1889.
Plant acaulescent, flowering to 35 cm long, with a narrow-crateriform or subspreading, 15-25 cm tall, rosette, lustrous-green often purple-red tinged or striate.
Leaves thin-chartaceous, 17-30 cm long, mostly exceeded by the inflorescence, densely and closely minutely lepidote throughout, with minute brown centered scales, lustrous-green, often the margins and the lower side purple-red striate; sheaths distinct, contracted into the blades, obovate or oblong, the outer ones nearly flat, 3-4 x 1.3-2.4 cm, with membranaceous margins;
blades slightly arching, very narrowly triangular (sublinear), 16-25 x 0.7-1.2 cm, (long) attenuately acute.
Inflorescence simple, often becoming soon lateral because of the new offshoot, 20-31 cm long;
scape erect, 14-22 cm long, 1-2 mm in diam., glabrous, partly visible because of the narrow bracts;
scape bracts erect, imbricate, chartaceous, oblong, the lower ones with foliaceous blades, the upper ones obscurely apiculate and less than twice as long as the internodes, sparsely lepidote toward the apex;
spike ovate or ovate-lanceolate in outline (at anthesis), 4-11 cm long, acutish or irregular, distichously 5-22-flowered, appearing lax by the spreading of the flowers, with a few imbricate sterile bracts at the base and apex, lustrous dark-green;
rhachis wholly visible, more or less geniculate, bluntly angled (sharply angled and often rugose when dry), glabrous;
floral bracts clasping the flowers, subcoriaceous, with veined surface only when dry, ovate, 1.3-1.6 cm long, about three times as long as the internodes, about equaling the sepals, obscurely apiculate, carinate and lepidote toward the apex.
Flowers much spreading, nocturnal, sessile;
receptacle stout, posteriorly ca. 3 mm long, alate-angled;
sepals thin-coriaceous, with veined surface, oblong, 1.3-1.6 cm long, acute or short apiculate, almost free, the posterior ones alate-carinate, sparsely lepidote and slightly incurved at the apex;
petals narrowly ligulate, to 2.5 cm long, acutish(?), the blade reflexed or spreading, white;
stamens deeply included, ca 8 mm long, the longest ones exceeding the pistil by the anthers, filaments broad and flat, for about 1/3 conglutinate and forming a tube, straight, attenuate, anthers dorsifixed(?), ca. 2 mm long;
ovary ovoid, bluntly angled, (evenly) contracted into the short alate-angled style, stigma lobed.
Capsule slenderly cylindric, 4-5.5 cm long, 3-4 times as long as the bracts, sharply angled toward the apex, somewhat rounded, then attenuately long beaked.
Distribution: Central America to Ecuador and N. Brazil. Epiphytic in rainforest, from near sea level to 1900 m alt. 51 collections studied (4-GU, 10-SU, 34-FG).
Culture and use: Easily grown like an epiphyte in warm greenhouse; demands moderate humidity and watering. Nocturnally flowering and very fragrant.
Tillandsia graminifolia Baker, Jour. Bot. London 25: 281. 1887. Lectotype. Cayenne, French Guiana, Martin s n (BM).
88. T. graminifolia, n. sp.
Leaves 40-60 to a rosette, erect, linear-setaceous, under a foot long, 1/4 in. broad at the middle, 1/2 in. at the dilated base, thin, flexible, subglahrous.
Peduncle as long as the leaves;
lower bract-leaves with linear free points; upper lanceolate, small, imbricated, entirely adpressed.
Inflorescense a moderately dense simple erect spike 2-3 in. long;
flowers about 6 on a side, erect-patent;
flower-bract oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, 1/2 in. long.
Calyx as long as the bract.
Petals 2, upper greenish yellow, lower white.
Capsule-valves linear, 1.5-2 in. long.
Habitat. Cayenne, Martin! Poiteau ! Sagot 859! Demerara, Parker! Trinidad Fendler 828! Nearly allied to T. monadelpha.
Detail from Mez 1935
a) Inflorescence lax, pinnate.
1. Rhachis whose thickened well cushioned base to the flower => 326. T. monadelpha.
2. Rhachis not at all thickened.
- Flowers erect or suberect.
- - Bracts to 6 mm apart.
- - - Rhachis slightly undulate => 327. T. monobotrya.
- - - Rhachis clearly geniculate. => 328. T. narthecoides.
326. T. monadelpha (Morr.) Bak. in Journ. of Bot. XXV. (1887) 281; Wittm. in Engler und Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. II. 4. (1888) 57. –
Phytarrhiza monadelpha Morr. in Belg. Hortic XXXII. (1882) 168, t. 7. –
Tillandsia graminifolia Bak. in Journ. of Bot. XXV. (1887) 281. –
Andrea alba Hort. ex Bak. Bromel. (1889) 192. –
Catopsis alba Morr. ex Bak., 1. c. –
Acaulis, usque ad 0.35 m alta. Folia dense rosulata, glabrorum speciem praebentia, usque ad 0.2 m longa, super vaginam ad 15 mm lata, inde in apicem peracutum sensim angustata, sicca submembranacea. Scapus erectus, folia aequans vel superans, vaginis elliptico-lanceolatis, acutis, stricte erectis, internodia superantibus indutus. Inflorescentia subpauci- vel submultiflora, simplicissima, optime pinnata, disticha, folia longe superans, linearis, usque ad 0.13 m longa et 22 mm lata; rhachi ad florum insertiones valde pulvinatim incrassata, recta; bracteis sepala exacte aequantibus, viridibus, ad 6 mm distantibus, suberectis, coriaceis, nullo modo imbricatis, carinatis, late ovatis, apice subobtusis et paullo cucullatis, ad 17 mm longis. Flores ad 30 mm longi, suberecti; sepalis basi aequaliter minute connatis, coriaceis, glabris, laevibus, valde carinatis, elliptico-lanceolatis, acutis et minutissime mucronulatis, ad 17 mm longis. Petala alba roseoafflata, laminis ovatis, obtusis, patentibus. Stamina petalia permulto breviora, filamentis fere medium usque connatis. Stylus antheras haud attingens.
Trinidad (Broadway n. 2807, 3741, 7808, 7818, Britton, Fellman et Cowell n. 2574, Finlay n. 2004, Fendler n. 828). Brit. Guyana (Becket n. 8521, Cruz n.1301, 3562, 1539, Hitchcock n.17636, Parker); Franz. Guyana (Martin, Melinon n. 134, Perrottet, Sagot n. 859); Holl. Guyana (Kegel n. 823, Splitgerber n. 408, Wullschlagel n. 1938).
Nota. - Speciei mihi ex Guyana et Trinidad tantum cognitae specimina e territoriis alienis adducit cl. L. B. Smith in Contrib. Gray Herb. LXXXIX. (1930) 12 sequentes: Brit.-Honduras (Schipp n.390). Honduras (Standley n.54811). Guatemala (Goll n. 117). Costarica (Standley und Valerion. 44783, 45123, 45601, 45611, 45626, 46031, 46263, 47236, 36827, 37310, 48946, 48993, O. Kuntze n. 2009). Panama (Pittier n. 2658, Standley n. 41169). - Colombia (Killip n. 1l532). Ecuador (Eggers n. l5252).
327. T. monobotrya Mez in Fedde, Rep. XVI. (1919) 77. –
Acaulis, ad 0.35 m alta. Folia permulta dense rosulata, ad 0.16 m longa, super vaginas ad 15 mm lata, inde in apicem peracutum sensim angustata, plana, submembranacea, glabrorum speciem praebentia. Scapus validiusculus, erectus, folia subaequans vel paullo superans, dense vaginis subcoriaceis, ellipticis, glabris, dorso bene venoso-striatis, inferioribus in laminas brevissimas reflexas productis superioribus breviter acutis, internodia superantibus indutus. Inflorescentia simplicissima, optime disticha, pinnata, complanata, ad 0.12 m longa et 25 mm lata, glaberrima, linearis; rhachi angulata, leviter geniculatim undulata, ad bractearum basin haud incrassata; bracteis nullo modo imbricatis, ad 8 mm distantibus, suberectopatentibus, coriaceis, membranaceo-marginatis; bene prominenti-venosis, ovato-ellipticis, rotundatis, apice nullo modo incurvis, concavis nec carinatis, ad 15 mm longis, per anthesin quam sepala paullo brevioribus. Flores suberecto-patentes vel subpatentes, plane sessiles, glaberrimi; sepalis 15 mm longis, antico libero posticis binis brevissime (ad 2 mm) connatis, coriaceis, ovato-lanceolatis, subrotundatis, carinatis, fere laevibus. Petala ignota.
Costarica : bei Turrialba (Werckle n. 150 et in Herb. inst. phys.-geogr.Costa. n. 17444).