Hohenbergia brachycephala
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Hohenbergia brachycephala

Mitch Jones 11/24

Hohenbergia brachycephala L. B. Smith, Contr. Gray Herb. 129: 32, pl. 3, figs. 14-15. 1940.
Desc from S&D
Plant flowering to 1.6 m high.
Leaves to 8 dm long;
sheaths elliptic, ample, ca 3 dm long, dark castaneous;
blades ligulate, broadly acute, obscurely pale-lepidote on both sides, laxly and minutely to densely and coarsely serrate with dark flat spines.
Scape erect, stout;
scape-bracts imbricate, large, lance-elliptic, entire, chartaceous when dry, densely pale-lepidote.
Inflorescence amply and very laxly pyramidal, 3-4 pinnate;
primary bracts like the upper scape-bracts, much shorter than the sterile bases of the branches;
branches spreading, to 45 cm long,
secondary bracts narrowly triangular, membranaceous, entire, sparsely pale-furfuraceous at base, the lowest shorter than the secondary branches;
heads terminal, composed of 2-3 spikes, to 2 cm long, 3 cm in diameter;
spikes few-flowered, sessile.
Floral bracts broadly ovate, apiculate, to 16 mm long, much exceeding the immature sepals, serrulate, coriaceous, faintly nerved, minutely and obscurely pale-lepidote, carinate.
Sepals free, 8 mm long, strongly asymmetric, mucronulate, serrulate, minutely lepidote;
petals green with yellow apices (! Read).
Type. Curran 121 (holotype, US), Rio Grungogi, Bahia, Brazil, Oct-Nov 1915.
Distribution. Epiphytic, 240 m alt, southern Bahia, Brazil.
BRAZIL. Bahia: Agua Preta, 3 Jun 1939, Foster 64 in part (R, US); Ilheus, 23 Feb 1968, Vinha 129 (UB, US): Itabuna, 15 Jan 1975, Read & Daniel.s 3418 (CEPEC, RB, US).

Updated 12/11/24