
Cipuropsis is a genus of the subfamily Tillandsioideae. It was resurrected as part of the collaborative multi-locus DNA sequence phylogeny and morphology study and taxonomic revision of the Tillandsioideae subfamily. (Barfuss et al. 2016. Phytotaxa 279(1): 001-097). Species are native to Venezuela and Peru.

Number of accepted species in this genus is 7 (source: species counts in the Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads). {2024}

amicorum was Tillandsia amicorum (I.Ramírez & Bevilacqua) Gouda
asmussii (I.Ramírez & Bevilacqua) Gouda
dubia was Vriesea dubia (L.B.Sm.) L.B.Sm.
elata was Vriesea elata (Baker) L.B.Sm.
rubra was Vriesea rubra (Ruiz & Pav.) Beer
subandina was Vriesea subandina (Ule) L.B.Sm. & Pittendr.
zamorensis was Vriesea zamorensis (L.B.Sm.) L.B.Sm.

Updated 28/01/24