Was Tillandsia Sexy Pink
Now Barfussia Sexy Pink
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Barfussia Sexy Pink
cv. of aff. T. laxissima x T. wagneriana? by Peter Tristram. (Both these ex-Tillandsia have been moved to Barfussia)
Peter Tristram 06/09. |
Bruce Dunstan 01/13. |
Peter Tristram 02/13. |
Peter Tristram 02/13 ... "It was a good result from a hybrid using a stunning form of laxissima, now dead, collected by my friend Rob Phillips near Tarapoto, Peru in the mid '80s.
I think Mick R and Helmut in FNQ also got seedlings from the cross (and maybe some others). It is very much a centre pupper and few at that unfortunately.
I have a couple blooming too, as well as a couple of platyrachys, so maybe I should share some pollen around?!
The flowers are lovely too, and fragrant.
Updated 05/07/20